part 2 of part 3 of Camping Trip

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I have Raine x Scarlett out and Raine x Y/N is still being made!!

N's POV:
I left the cabin and walked to the main building. There I said hello to the lunch ladies and helped them. After that I went to get the campers. We sang our song and they went inside. I wonder how Scarlett is handling up? Shes probably okay. Maybe sleeping.

"Alrighty campers today we're gonna be swimming!!"
"Mr. N!"
"Wheres Scarlett?"
"Uhhhh. Shes a little under the weather but she'll be back I promise!!"
"She better be!!"

I'm some ways I was lucky she wasn't here. I don't think I could have survived swimming time. Anyways after the campers were done eating they all went back to their cabins to get there swimming suits and towels and things of that sort. I wasn't gonna go swimming so I didn't have mine with me.

~A few hours later~

The campers were having fun splashing in the water and such. I was doodling in the sketchbook I found on Clearance. Real good deal!! Scarlett's a better artist then me but she's teaching me slowly! V blew her whistle for her group of girls to go with her to the changing rooms. Man I was so busy thinking and drawing I didnt realize what the time was!
I got up and quickly ran over to the main building.

"N you okay? You seem to be in a hurry today!"
"Uhh I just want the day to be over so I can go help Scarlett."
"Awwwww you wanna be her nurse and cure her sickness!!"
"Oh shush!"
"I'll tell you what will have T take over and go help your lover!"
"Oh no it's okay really!"
"N go!"
"Fine you lunch ladies are scary!"
"Good to know it works N!"

I walked out of the main building and up the path to me and hers cabin. I used my key and unlocked. When I walked in she was asleep. She was adorable when she slept. I walked over and curled up next to her and fell asleep.

Sorry for such a late upload! 😥 We have stupid MCAP testing and it's taking a lot of time out of my day and is making me stressed! But here's another chapter for y'all! 😊

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