The Talk About "Mother"

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Contians mature language. 😅 Just expect mature language in all the chapters! Because it will continue.

*8:30 in the morning*

Lily's POV:
  I was surprised to be awake before dad. He's "usually" wake and has breakfast made. Then again him and Eve was being weird last night! Dad has his door lock so I can't get in there to wake him up!

*Knock knock*

"DAD! WAKE UP!!!!"


N's POV:
  I woke up to Lily screaming through the door. I was tried really tired. My mind was a little fuzzy from last night! What even happened? I looked around and seen clothes everywhere and the bed was a mess. I turned over and seen Eve passed out and only in her underwear.

"Oh right that happened! IM UP LILY! GIVE ME A MINUTE!!"

  I didn't want to get up but it was late in the morning at least for me it is. I don't usually sleep in but last night made me tired. I sat up in bed and stretched. I looked back over at Eve seeing her beauty. Gosh was I lucky.
  I leaned over and gave her a kiss before I got up. I walked over to the bathroom and started the shower. There was no use in closing the bathroom door because she's done seen me naked. As I was taking off my boxers I heard Eve groaning.

"Good morning baby!"

"Mmmm good morning love"

"Wanna take a shower with me? Or do you wanna sleep in a little more?"

"I'll shower!"


  She got out of bed and walked into the bathroom with me! As she was walking over here I couldn't stop but look at her chest. Moving while she walked...
  She hugged me and snuggled her face into my chest.

"Baby I'm tired."

"Haha me to me to! Maybe a hot shower will wake us up!!"


  She looked up at me when she said coffee. I couldn't help but smile at her. She took off her stuff and hopped in with me.

*A few minutes later*

Me and Eve were done showering and she was trying on one of the dresses I got her. It was gorgeous on her. It fitted her perfectly. She walked over and buttoned up my shirt.

"I love you Eve" I said while placing a kiss on her forehead.

"I love you more N!"

  We cleaned up our room and walked out to the kitchen holding hands. Lily looked at us weird as if we were ill!

"Lily me and Eve has something to tell you when we get down to eat!"

"Really dad what is it?!"

"You'll have to wait and see!"

"Awwww okay dad!"

While I'm cooking Eve is helping Lily get the plats down and on the table. When food was done and served me and Eve looked at each other then to Lily.

"Lily how would you feel about a Mother?"

"A mom?"


"I would love a momma!!! A momma who would sing me lullabys and bed time stories!!! Someone who loves daddy!"

I looked at Eve to signal her to tell her.

"Well uh Lily. Me and your dad are ummm. Together?"

  Lily dropped her fork and looked us. I got scared because I didn't know how Lily was gonna react to this news.



Eve choked on her oil.

"No no no hon! Were dating not married!!"

"Oh so shes not my mommy yet?"

"Well she technically is."

"Dad marry her already!! And also why wasnt I invited to family game night last night?"

"Lily honey. That wasn't a game for everyone"

"What do you mean?"

"Uhhh your to young to know that answer. Let's just say it's something grown ups play!"

"Oh! Gross!"

"Oh brother!"

  Eve looked shocked and so confused. But continued eating trying to avoid the conversation.

"How about we all eat and not talk about what me and her did okay Lily?" I asked trying to change the inappropriate conversation for a young girl!

"Okay Daddy!" She said happily!

  Once we were done eating Eve did the dishes and Lily went outside. I went up to Eve and hugged her from behind.

"Lily took that quite well love"

"I know! I'm happy to see her happy!"

"She has a mother in her life now. A complete family that loves her."

"I love Lily N! She reminds me of my younger sister. When we were built the other Angel Drones hated her and well I never seen her again. I knew what happened though it was clear on why she came up missing!"

"Eve you had a sister?"

"Mhm. She was just as sweet as Lily. Lily reminds me so much of my sister. When I met her I knew who I had to protect. Im not gonna loose someone again!"

"Eve I never knew about this! I'm so sorry!"

"It's okay N. I have to be strong. I can't let the pass affect the now. Becides my little sister wouldnt want me to give up! She would be happy that I finally found someone right for me!"

"That's true Eve. You have a good heart! Lily's one lucky daughter to have a mother like you!"

"You think so?"

"I know so!!"

Me and Eve finished cleaning up and headed outside to see Lily picking flowers out of the garden. She loves her garden. Takes good care of it. The only thing I help her with is watering them. Eve admires the roses. I'm guessing that's her favorite flower I'll have to remember that for Valentine's day!
Eve's POV:
  I enjoyed watching the flowers. There all so pretty! Lily has one beautiful flower garden!! I remember back when I was a worker drone I would read books outside in the courtyard of the mansion with a flowers all around me. Smelling the beautiful smells lightened my day!
I also remember there were Murder drones there too. But they were also worker drones. It was hard to tell us all apart back then. But there was this one in particular I had my eyes on. I can't remember anything else from that point it's all fuzzy. I do remember me and him being friends but that's it. Everything else from that point is blurry and hard to remember.
  N said he could bring back my memory but he would have to hack into my system. I fear the worst in that. I obeyed the company and had the rules and programing in my system. I know the Murder Drones killed all the humans and worker drones worked with them. I was scared if I got my memory back I would loose control and attack N and the others. I didn't want to harm N and Lily. I loved both of them to much! I didn't want to loose another person I love! I promised myself I would protect them from harm. I never told N that but its a promise I made.

*A few moments later*

N's POV:
I was inside while Eve and Lily were outside making Flower crowns and playing hide and seek. I thought to myself and I thought I would go on a first date with Eve tonight. I'll call V and S and see if they can watch Lily and me and Eve would go to the movie or something. Or just a walk. Something nice together. Maybe I'll do that!

Hey Everyone! Hope you liked this chapter!! Who do you think that mysterious drone is in Eve's memorys? You'll all find out soon enough. See you all in the next chapter!!! 😁

Murder drone Oc story! Eve X NWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu