When Paths Realign | LOTB

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> Legend of the Balancers

> Sometime after the Brine fight, pre-Ore War.

> No ships. Though a certain pairing of Steve's can be interpreted that way, that is not how I intended them to be written out.

> CW: Character blaming another character. Breakdowns.



Balance really, really, really. hoped he could have a normal day, just one. The past few months had been absolute chaos with the consistent dealing with foe after foe, he just wanted a break for once.

And this time, he truly thought he could have one. Brine was finally gone for, the Hunters were either all destroyed, absorbed, or has turned to their side, and there wasn't an infection going around, corrupting all of his friends.

He was finally getting to organizing his library full of books that Elder Blue let him keep after aiding in fixing his village, making a mental note to go and visit him soon now that Brine was gone.

For once, it was peaceful, nothing could interrupt his calm, everything was fin-


There goes his peace.

Balance audibly sighed, putting the book he was holding down onto one of the bookshelves, standing up and dusting himself off.

He walked towards the door and reached for the handle but before he could even turn it, the door swung open, just barely missing Balance.

Outside the door was Space, who looked absolutely winded, alongside Nova, who seemed equally as exhausted.

"Are you two good? What's happening?"

Space and Nova both took a moment to catch their breaths before Space cleared his throat.

"There's a uh- there's a Steve wandering around the village, we don't know if they're hostile or not but me and Nova spotted them on our way back from gathering resources Nether said he nedded."

Space and Nova both took a step back and Balance walked out, almost as if they could read each others next movements, Balance looking around.

"What'd they look like?"

"Didn't get a good look at them but they were multicoloured, we know that much. What's weird though is they didn't have an energy signature, not one that we could track anyways."

Balance looked over at Nova, confused before nodding.

"Do either of you know where Energy is? He might be the most help, and possibly Time. Just go find everyone you can and meet up back here."

Nova and Space both nodded, going off in opposite directions to search the village.

Balance sighed to himself, he really couldn't get a break could he?

He went back into his house, going upstairs, grabbing anything he thought he would need before heading back downstairs and outside, being met with what seemed to be the majority of his Balancers.

"Okay, headcount real quick, who all is not here?"

"Over took Ocean to meet Mother Nature, and Spirit is with the Guardian, besides that we're all here."

Unbalance unsheathed the Chaos Scythe from it's place on his back, holding it out defensively.

Everyone else who had specific weapons had them out in a similar, threatening way, as none of them knew what they were about to face.

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