"Do you find me crazy yet?" | Part 1 | LOTB

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> Legend of the Balancers

> TWs : Kidnapping, obsessive behaviour, gagging, Psychotic.

> Takes place post-Psychotic swapping his and Balance's minds, but pre-Psychotic fight.

> Part 1 of ??


As his vision cleared, Balance could only tell one thing, which was that he was unable to move in the slightest.

His wrists were tied down impressingly well to the hard, wooden chair, along with his ankles and there seemed to be a rope around his chest as well, completely pinning him to the chair.

He tried to call out for help, but he soon realized that there was something shoved in his mouth, preventing him from making any sort of verbal noises besides faint, desperate cries.

Another noise soon entered though; the sound of footsteps making their way to Balance.

"I see you're finally awake." The voice attached to the footsteps said, and Balance recognized that voice all too well at this point.

He tried calling out the person's name, however not a sound of it came out, thanks to the makeshift gag in his mouth.

His captor merely chuckled at Balance's failed attempt at speaking, stepping foward and finally coming into full view, confirming the balancers suspicion as to who they were.

"Awh~ Cat got your tongue there Balance? Wouldn't it be so nice of me to remove it, let you be able to speak again..?"

The speaker placed a finger on the makeshift gag shoved in Balance's mouth, tracing over it carefully before retracting said finger and laughing maniacally.

"You really think I'm going to let you speak that easily!? Oh that's funny Balance. No. No, no I'm sick of hearing your pathetic voice, constantly talking, neverending, just never. shutting. UP!"

At the last word, the captor grabbed the front of Balance's shirt and yanked him forward, causing a startled cry to emit from him, due to his chest being tightly bound to the chair.

They didn't let go for a moment, just savouring this, having the once so powerful Balance at their complete mercy was thrilling, oh the things that they could do to him..

Balance eventually refound some of his strength, pulling backwards harshly and successfully getting rid of his captors hand on his shirt, struggling to regain himself.

"Hmm..I suppose I'll grant you the ability to speak, however if you speak out of line..there will consequences."

The captor reached foward, unhooking the makeshift gag and pulling it out of Balance's mouth, Balance coughing violently and taking deep breaths through his mouth for a few moments.


Balance yelled out towards his captor, Psychotic, who's eyes simply just watched, closing as they laughed wildly.

"Oh Balance..you're more than aware that there are things wrong with me.."

Psychotic gently placed their hand on Balance's cheek, to which Balance jerked away from, not wanting to just be okay with being touched by this..horrible person.

"Where did you take me? What did you do with my team!?"

Psychotic tsk'd, shaking their head and turning around, no longer facing Balance.

"You're safe, Balance, I have to make sure that you're safe. Without you my plan could never work.."

There was a pause, an uncomfortable silence but Balance knew that Psychotic was planning to say more.

"..As for you team, they are unimportant. While I need the three of them, yes, you are far more important to my plan then those three could ever be."

"How am I more important than them..? You need all of the creator energy to reset the multiverse Psychotic! I don't have all of it! You also need End, Nether, Equality, Entit-"


A strike of lightning went off and Balance shut up, his eyes focused on Psychotic as they turned around and walked towards Balance again, their hands being placed on the chair behind him.

"You have two options here Balance, be glad I'm giving you a choice."

Psychotic practically spat out their sentence, their gazes meeting and Balance being able to see the crazed look in their eyes for the first time up close.

"You can either willingly work with me in gathering the other Balancers and whoever else may have the creator energy, or I will mind swap with you again and do it myself."

Balance looked at Psychotic in disbelief and slight disgust. The thought of willingly working with this monster never even so much as crossed his mind, not since Dest had first approached him and his Balancers.

"What makes you think I will willingly work with you, Psychotic?"

Psychotic shook their head, sighing but letting out a slight crazed laugh.

"I'm going to win either way Balance, if you work with me, this can be done a lot faster. If you don't, I'll still win, it just will be more effort for me."

Balance muttered something under his breath, something that couldn't be heard and thus peaked Psychotic's curiosity.

"What was that?"


Psychotic tsk'd. They removed their hands from the back of the chair Balance sat on and walked around, kneeling down in front of Balance, their sinister smile plastered on their face.

"Fine, be difficult, Light Steve."

Psychotic sneered out Balance's former name, as if it was just as bad as shouting curses in a room filled with younger Steve's. The dark, hooded figure stood, kicking against Balance's chest, which caused him to fall backwards in the chair, sputtering and cough from the impact.

"What are you doing Psychotic!?"

Balance yelled out at the much taller entity than himself as they stood over Balance, staring down at him. Psychotic just kept smiling before swapping their minds.

Unlike the last time they had swapped minds, however, Balance was not in control of Dest's body, it was as if Psychotic was piloting both.

Balance was shoved in the back of Dest's mind, where he could vaugely hear Psychotic's laughter echoing. Balance also noticed that within this space, he no longer possessed his Balance form, simply having the form of his original Light Steve self.

He tried to run in the direction of the laughter but he soon found that it was coming from every corner of the darkness he was within.

As his hope was diminishing, he spotted blurry figures in the distance and focused his attention on them, running in their direction.

"Hey! Who's there!?"

"Hello Balance."


To be continued...

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