1 | First Game

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Today was the first day of the Stanley Cup playoffs. I couldn't wait to see my favourite team, the New Jersey Devils, play. i have always been a fan of the devils, i grew up that way and i never planned to stop loving them.

Because it was the first game, my whole family went to watch it.

"Honey, are you ready to go?" my mom called out.
"Almost," I replied, doing the final touches of my makeup. I ran downstairs and said hi to my little brother Austin. Austin's only eight, so we have an eleven-year age gap. Some people may not like it, but I love Austin. I used to be so bored when it was just me and my parents at home, but ever since Austin was born, I've never been bored.

"Okay, is everyone ready to go?" My dad asked. "Yep," we all replied, so we got in the car and made our way over to the rink.


"Whoo!" the crowd called out as the devils made their way onto the ice.

That was when he came out. jack hughes. Ever since he was drafted four years ago, I have always liked him. He was just a celebrity crush, though; he could never like me back. Hell, how could he? He didn't even know I existed. I've always just thought he was cute; I mean, who couldn't? With a smile like that, he catches the attention of everyone near him, even grandmas.

I wore his jersey to every game just because he was my favourite player, or at least that's what my dad thinks. I would actually wear it to get his attention, but that would never happen.

I had to snap out of it; I can't keep thinking about just Jack, especially not today. Today was the devil's day, and they all deserve my attention.

I chanted all the Devils chants along with my family and the other Devils fans to cheer them on. It was halfway through the first period, and the New York Rangers had already scored twice, whereas we hadn't scored at all. I hope that the game turns around like I know it can.


It's now the third period, and the score is now 3-0. I don't think that it's going to turn around, but hopefully they can get at least one goal in, hopefully by Jack, but by anyone who would help us.

If I knew that the only thing going through my mind would be Jack, I probably wouldn't have come with my family, but I don't have a choice.

The puck's still with the Rangers, and my nerves are through the roof. I really hope they don't score.

Right as that thought goes through my mind, they score. Am I jinxing us?

After about five minutes, Jack got the puck and somehow went across the rink with it without anyone trying to get it from him, and he scored!

The stadium goes crazy as this is Jack Hughes's first playoff goal of 2023! The first Devil's goal of 2023!


The games just finished at 5-1, but at least Jack scored. "I'm going to the bathroom quickly," I tell my parents. "Okay, sweetie, hurry back," my mom tells me. I nod as I make my way to the bathrooms.

After I do my business, I wash my hands and make my way out. somehow I run into the Jack Hughes. My biggest crush ever is Jack Hughes. He looks up at me, and we make eye contact for what seems like hours to me but was probably just a few seconds.

As we come out of that state, he talks to me. Jack Hughes talked to me! Not only did he tap me, but he also asked me for my number. Jack Hughes asked me for my number! I can't believe this! But of course, me being me, I don't reply because I'm stunned. I stare at him blankly for a couple more seconds, really taking in this moment, until I eventually say "yes of course." As I'm trying to find a piece of paper to write my number on, he says, "I see you're a fan." I don't understand what he meant by that, but apparently he could tell as he explained by saying, "That's my jersey." "Oh yeah," I reply, nervous as ever. I still haven't comprehended that this is real; I'm actually giving Jack Hughes my number. I finally find a piece of paper and write my number down on it. As I gave it to him, he said a quick "Thanks," and I nodded while turning around, not believing what just happened.


"What took you so long?" My brother asked as I buckled myself into my car seat. "Nothing," I replied vaguely. I ran into Jack Hughes; that's what took me so long, I say in my head. I smile at myself the whole way home, somehow containing my excitement for when I get home to tell my best friend.

word count: 838
a/n: my first chapter, might make another one tonight, might not but i really like how this is going so far what about you?

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