Chapter 4: Jerk

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Chapter 4: Jerk

It was Friday and I quickly get up from bed when the alarm started ringing. It was only 7 a.m. so I have much more time before going to school.

I went to the bathroom and started doing my things, wash face, brushing teeth and combing my hair and use the toilet.

Last night after I went to bed, I quickly dozed off. My parents didn't wake me up for dinner because I already told them that I'm not hungry before I go to my room.

I thought I wanted to be friends with Garfield for a moment but after seeing him yesterday with Terra. I suddenly lost all of my interest.

I hate Terra because she never give me a chance to be myself, she hated everything about me and always picking on me. Being the daughter of the rich parents also spoiled her I guess.

And of course she was pretty, her long shiny blonde hair and those blue eyes, she's really attractive tbh. Every guy would want to go out with her, everything just seems perfect for her... except her bitchy attitude of course.

Unlike her, I have a dark blue hair as well as dark blue eyes and my hair is short. I don't wear makeup and I'm kind of a book person. No guy have never asked me out nor talk to me so I am like the opposite of her.

Until yesterday, I like talking with that creepy boy Damian haha. I hope we can be friends someday. He's totally different from the other guy I met, like Garfield ugh thinking of him going to ruin my mood again.

I quickly snapped out of my thoughts and changed my pajamas into a lose top and ripped jeans.

After I'm done packing my stuff into my bagpack I went downstairs.

My mom was making breakfast and Jake was nowhere to be seen. And about my dad, he's on a business trip for a month now and he would be back next week I guess.

"Mom, what's for breakfast?" I asked my mom as I took a seat on the chair.

"Pancakes." She smiled and gave me her newly made one.

"Wow! Looks delicious!" I take a bite and awhhh it was Soo gooddd!

"Where's Jake? I thought he was a morning person and would be here by now?" I asked as I take another bite.

"He already left before you"


"He said he's going to do something important so I didn't bother asking much." She explained.

"Do you by any chance know what he's going to do?" She asked.

"I have no idea.."

"Okay but make sure your brother is not in any trouble okay? And I wanted both of you to get along."

"Okay mom."

After talking with my mom I quickly left for school.

What is that something important...
I wonder what he's up to.


"BOO!" Someone hugged me from behind.

"What the heck Starfire! You almost killed me alive due to heart attack!" I yelled at her but she just laugh.

"Oh I'm so s-sorry Rae.. didn't mean to scare you.." she laugh while holding her tummy.

"Whatever." I rolled my eyes.

"Sooooo, anything happen yesterday?"

I told her everything about how I bumped into Garfield again at detention and how he pisses me off and about Damian driving me home.

"Wow, Damian?" She asked.

"Yeah I guess."

"What's his last name?" His last name?

"I- I don't know.. " I answered.

"Okay, but if the Damian we're talking about is the same. He's one of the richest and hottest boy in our school, and most the girls wanted to go out with him." Wow he looked popular.

"Oh I'm sure he's not that rich one you're talking about. Because he seems really nice." A rich and hot guy won't notice me.

"Oh Rachel you need to stop looking down on yourselves. You are beautiful."
I know she said that only because I am her friend and I couldn't care much about it.

"You're more beautiful." I teased her and she laugh slightly.

"Come on we're late." She dragged me by my arm and then we left for our class.


After it felt like forever, the bell rang. Yay

Mr. Mad Mod  class is one of the most boring one. Maybe the most.

As I was about to leave a hand touches my shoulder.

"Hey Rachel, why's the rush?" Damian stopped me and smile a little.

I smiled back to him. "Just wanna get out from this boring class as soon as possible."

"So you still remember me?" He suddenly asked smirking.

"Of course why wouldn't I. You're the creepy boy right?" And then he laughed.

"Yeah yeah whatever you say sleepyhead." He then take out his phone and handed to me.

"Give me your number so that this Creeepyyy guy can keep chasing after you." He smiled brightly and I laugh wow.

I give him my number and after that he said, "Now you're in danger, don't forget to keep your eyes wide open." He joked, this reminds me of my mom.

"Aye aye captain." I waved him goodbye and left the classroom.


Today, school ended up quickly and after I waved goodbye at my best friend I go straight to detention room. Only 1 more days and everything will be okay, I reassured myself.

When I enter the room, the teacher and some other kids were already there.

I felt a familiar gaze we're on me and I look up and see who it was.

It's him, looking at me up and down as I knew he was checking me out and then he winked. I felt a shiver down my spine, I don't want to be near him.

"Miss Rachel would you like to sit down." Mr. Slade requested as I heard of it as like a demand.

I quickly sat down much more far away from Garfield. I'm not comfortable around him. He was at the last bench so I took a seat in the first bench.

This is going to be a long detention.


45 minutes passed and luckily Garfield didn't do anything after throwing a piece of paper to me for about 20 minutes.
I glared at him but he just laughed off.

The detention finally over, and I ran off like a bullet out of there to avoid him and also to catch the bus this time.

Luckily I made in time.

Just as I was about to sit, I saw Garfield walk in the bus with his smirk plastered on his face. No!
As he was walking more near and near to my seat, I heard the girls swoon all over him.

"Is this seat taken." He asked referring the seat next to me.

"Yes." I replied.

"By who?" He asked curiously.

"Me." I answered again.

"Oh come on. I don't know you have a huge butt." He laughed and I glared at him. Before I could say a word he sat down making himself comfortable.


This is going to be a long ride.



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