Arrival: The Years After Reset

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Several more people appeared in the area around the massive mountain. Two in particular stood out from the rest. One was a large anthropomorphic wolf and the other was a person in Post-Apocalyptic tactical gear with an AK platform rifle on his back.

"Damn it." Lupa said as she facepalmed. "What was she thinking?"

"What was who thinking, Lupa?" The masked person, clearly male from the sound of his voice, said while looking at the wolf.

"You'll meet her soon, Hunter." She said, she wasn't surprised that she saw him... He had often just appeared out of nowhere a lot in DarkWood along as in Chernobyl.

"What's going on?!" A young boy in a school uniform yelled.

"You know them?" Lupa asked as she looked at the assortment of people and species in front of her.

"Yes. Although, not all of them were good... In terms of experience." He looked at her again. "I'll let you know now that I lost my memory again, but the past me decided to be smart and take notes about the daily goings and important events. That's how I know about you."

"You always valued transparency."

"Greetings, one and all, I welcome you to Stone Mountain!" Oddly enough, this time, no one noticed her. "Hmm..." She looked at the masked man named Hunter. "Would you please get their attention and take off that mask, you're not in danger of radiation or gas."

Hunter shrugged before taking his mask off and raised his hand gun, a Makarov chambered in 9x18 Makarov, then pulled the trigger. The resulting boom stopped all conversation and temporarily deafened them.

"Who did..." A girl with red hair and horns began before she found the source of the noise. "HUNTER!!!" She yelled happily.

A man in a school uniform grabbed her arm before stopping her.

"Are you crazy?! He has a gun!" He yelled before Hunter lowered his Makarov.

"Don't worry, I have no reason to kill you." I looked around, he saw that they all looked at him as if they knew him... "I feel like I should remember something."

"You lost your memory for the Fourth time... How did you even manage that." Lupa asked the masked woman.

"As I stated before, he lost his memory the first time in a fight, the second time was payment for resurrecting him after he killed himself out of spite, the third time he had a building collapse on him, and the final time was he was fixing a radio for an artillery unit when they sent a shell and it caved his skull in." She explained.

"Are you!!! Hunter, why do you have such bad luck!!! First DarkWood, then Chernobyl, and your psychotic breakdowns leading to a body count!!!"

"I'm sorry, what?!" Hunter said, making it clear that he wasn't aware of it.

"This should clear things up." The masked woman said while snapping her fingers. A feed appeared where she was.

A/N: Quick rogister.

A/N: Quick rogister

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