04| cute stalker

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And when i woke up, i was alone,this bird had flown.
~ The Beatles

Kai's pov:

I walked to his room to see him sleeping, I haven't seen him for couple of months and i know the reason. I sat beside him and screamed to wake him up


he wakes up and kicked me which make me fall down on the ground
My laptop was in my hand , Glad nothing happened to my laptop
I opened the site and show him.

'band start up plan' he reads narrowing his eyes.

Chanyeol: what's this about ?

Kai : 'well i have heard this somewhere, "when life is shit turn the music up" so we can start our own band, you're good at playing the guitar and can rap well and i have all the sexy looks we need"
I said smirking and showing off my charms to which made Chanyeol laugh , finally.

Chanyeol: 'we can give it a try' he said nodding in agreement, i hugged him tight enough that both of us landed on the ground.

Chanyeol: 'let go off me' he said irritated

Chanyeol kicked me with his long legs.

'stop stop, i surrender' i raised my hand.

This man really doesn't like losing..

Days passed but Chanyeol doesn't look like he moved on even a bit and depression is taking over him so he pushes everyone out ,i understand she was his first love but i want to help him that's why I offered to start this band because he loves music and singing , i even asked our friend back in college beakhyun who's really good at singing to join us which he agreed .

I sent him the address to our new flat to discuss our work and band , i asked Chanyeol to move in together cause I don't want him to be lonely and overthink himself and his ex .

Baekhyun started living with us, our house is 2 stories tall with a open terrace. And 4 rooms, one of it is the studio where we practices.

Chanyeol already produced songs which he never had published officially, most of them were for emily i convinced him to use it in our album
And the songs we working on together
Is yet to be composed.

We started by performing at the local concerts and after some months our band become quite popular among locals, big cafes pizza places bars everywhere.

We selected a memorable name for our band, 'exo- we are one' which was inspired from the "Exoplanet", which refers to the planet outside our solar system.

One of our favourite place we performed is where we met willow.

She is in her last highschool year and i caught her following us after the concert ended since then she became daily stalker. But she wasn't a creepy one i can say she is our 'cute stalker'.

She never causes any trouble and we all know about her taking pics of us and her fanpage on social media where she posts about exo..

'@weareone_officialfanbase' i found her account in suggestion and got to know it's her's.

We perform at the same club and i saw willow standing in the crowd cheering for us i smiled at her and she clicked our pictures from the crowd after the concert ended we were packing up and move to the rooms to get changed.
I saw someone following us and i stopped and saw someone's shadow near the wall. It was her she kept her eyes shut fearing i might see her not knowing that I already know its her. I walked to her from the other side and places my hand on both the side, she opened her eyes to see me and screams like she saw some ghosts.

I tilted my head and ask her 'what is it?, Why you keep following us? Want me to report you?' when i said i know i want to tease her am not really doing any of this she looked at me scared tears forming in her eyes, sweats on her forehead, how can someone be this scared ,i didn't even do anything to her.

She kept quite but then she said 'I'm sorry actually i have no bad intentions'
I laughed at her comment god she is really scared cat , is my acting skills this good.

'ill give you a chance if you do me a favour' i side smiled looking at her to which she nodded her head saying yes.

She followed me to where the other members are, to the back room.

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