Vacation? (1)

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(3rd POV)

Edd woke up and looked at his small bedroom in his apartment. He sighed and got out of bed Ringo following close behind. "Morning Ringo." Edd says as he bends down to pet the tabby cat. Ringo purrs then runs over to the bedroom door to let Edd know she wanted to eat. Edd opens the door and Ringo dashes to the kitchen. After breakfast there was a knock at the door. "Wonder who that could be?" Edd tells Ringo as he gets up to answer the door. Edd opens the door to see Tom. "Morning Edd." Tom says as he walks in. "Morning Tom." Edd says to his friend as he goes to shut the door, only for a ginger to burst in causing Edd to jump. "Morning!!!" Matt shouts. "Matt did you have to burst in like that?!" Edd shouts at Matt , who looks at him blankly before shrugging. "So Edd, what should we do  for the summer?" Tom asks taking a sip out of his flask. "I was thinking we could go on vacation." Edd says. "Vacation?" Tom says confused. Matt who was looking at his reflection in a hand mirror looks over at Edd also a bit confused. "Where would we even go?" Matt asks. Suddenly a commercial on TV gains the three friends attention. "Are you looking for something to do this summer?" The TV asks. The three go and sit on the couch and keep watching. "Then come visit Gravity Falls Oregen, home of The Mystery Shack!!!" The TV proceeds to show a small shack in the middle of the woods. Suddenly Edd turns off the TV with a smile. "Guys I think I just figured out where we'll be spending our summer!!!" He says to his friends. "But that place is all the way in North America?" Tom says. "Oh I've always wanted to visit America!!!" Matt shouts excited. "Then its settled, we're spending our summer in Gravity Falls!!!" Edd shouts.

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