Chapter 20 - Party From Hell

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'There's something so beautiful, so electrifying about the man going on foot against the beast, and completely dominating his opponent, isn't there,' Henry smiled, sitting on a plush red banquette near the corner of Lord Owenstoft’s drawing room.

At short notice, Robyn Casey had been invited by Henry to attend the Taurine Club's last social before their group trip to Spain. The journalist had readily agreed. Going to this event, they were told, would help Robyn discover the truth – the Club wasn't devoted to cruelty, but artistic appreciation. So far, they were unconvinced, sitting in the dimly lit, oak panelled room with a copy of La Salida in front of them, open at a grisly double page photo spread.

'I find it a great metaphor for man's mastery of nature. It’s no surprise those who wish to outlaw it in Spain are such killjoys regarding the British countryside,' Lord Owenstoft said, enjoying a glass of his 200-year-old whisky.

'Ah, you see, I'm more of a horsy person, I enjoy when the entire performance is done by one person on horseback,' Eloise Skerrett said.

'I'm sorry, by the entire performance, what do you mean,' Robyn said, as the reporter wrote notes for a follow up to their initial unflattering piece.

'I mean - when all the stages are done by one person on a horse, including the finish. I bet you think that's cruel, don't you,' Eloise grinned, a ghoulish look in her eye. Robyn had eaten a big dinner with colleagues from the newsdesk right before they came. The sensations in their stomach told them this had been a serious mistake.

'Well, it depends,' Robyn said.

'Depends on what?' Eloise said, getting too close to them. Robyn could smell the sweat underneath her overpowering perfume.

'On, um, whether they hurt it.'

‘Of course they hurt it. So what? It's just a bull. There’s no difference between enjoying a corrida and eating hamburgers and steaks. I bet you eat those all the time.' Eloise smirked.

'Well, I have some food intolerances and can't eat meat, there's a long list of things I can't eat, if I don’t want to end up in hospital,' Robyn said in a light hearted tone. Eloise's face was shocked and disapproving, as if Robyn had just confessed to a sin.

'None of that stuff's real, you know, it's like Covid, that isn't real either. I'll tell you what is real though. Vaccine poisoning, maybe that's why you think you can't eat meat.' Robyn stared at her with interest, but not exactly surprise. The conversation had certainly taken an unexpected turn. This would have to go in the article too. This was a Cabinet Minister saying this stuff! Did the Prime Minister know her views?

Did he agree?

'Maybe,' Robyn said politely. Henry glanced at them, giving them an odd look.

'You seem a nice guy. Do you have a girlfriend, Robyn?' Eloise said, putting her arm around Robyn's chair.

'I'm not a guy,' Robyn said. The aficionados had misgendered them about 20 times this evening. That didn’t bother Robyn; they’d heard it all before and had a skin like an elephant. They had interviewed neo-Nazis in prison before. This lot were nowhere as threatening – posh weirdos with disturbing hobbies. Nothing Robyn couldn't handle.

'But do you have a girlfriend? Or are you gay?' Eloise insisted as she brushed the back of Robyn's neck, sounding disturbed at the last word. It was hard to believe she was only 30 to Robyn’s 25.

'I do,' Robyn lied, shifting away from her, glad they were up to date with all their boosters.

'Well, whoever she is, is very lucky,' Eloise breathed, pouring yet another glass. 'I'm seeing a man myself at the moment.'

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