"I don't know Dick," Valerie snapped back, refusing to acknowledge the hurt in his eyes, "wouldn't be the first time you did something questionable to look good to the brass."

He faltered, a dark and wounded shadow overcoming his face. "Dammit Valerie I thought we'd moved past this," he pleaded.

"Whatever," she grumbled, "Don't you have somewhere more important to be? I know I certainly do."

Without a backwards glance she stormed off, leaving a dumbstruck Dick in her wake. As she got further and further away from him she felt the walls begin to crack and her eyes stung with hot, angry tears. She swiped furiously at one as it spilled down her cheek before taking a deep breath and pulling herself together. There was no time for pointless tears in the middle of occupied Holland, and it wasn't even worth it anyway. She had a job to do and that's all that mattered.


"Hey Val, how ya doin'?"

Valerie looked up at the sound of her name and couldn't supress her grin when she saw George and Lieb coming towards her.

"Hey boys, nice to see ya," she laughed, pulling them both in for a hug.

"Jeez sweetheart didn't realise we'd reached the huggin' stage," Lieb teased, but he hugged her back tightly all the same.

"Well it's either that or a punch in the arm," she warned, "so choose wisely."

"Don't listen to him," George butted in, throwing an arm over her shoulder, "its good to see ya."

"You see me all the time George, we're in the same company," she teased, shaking her head at him.

"I know but we never see you," he persisted, "you're always so busy being bossy or off with the other officers. Clearly you've decided we're no longer important enough for you."

"Aw quit your whining Luz," she mocked, elbowing him in the side, "you know you'll never be replaced in my heart."

"I should hope not," he sniffled dramatically, but his cheeky grin gave him away, "now why don't you make it up to me and come help me beat Don in a game of craps?"

"How could I turn down such an offer," she chuckled, stepping out from under his arm and linking her arm with his.

"You two are fuckin' ridiculous you know that?" Lieb scoffed as he lit his cigarette.

"Shut up, you're just jealous," Valerie smirked, "now are you gonna offer me a smoke or do I have to do everything myself around here?"

He shook his head at her but pulled one out all the same, lighting it up for her before the three of them made their way towards the barn that was serving as one of Easy's shelter for the night. 

"Well look what the cat dragged in," Don called as the trio entered the barn, "if it isn't Lady Landry herself."

"Better shut the hell up Malarkey or I won't be so inclined to go easy on ya when the dice comes out."

"Fighting talk Val," he grinned cheekily as she settled onto the wooden pallet beside him, "now put your money where you mouth is and let's get down to business."

Ten rounds of craps later and Don looked like he was about to explode.

"You two are definitely cheating," he grumbled as he passed over another five cigarettes to George.

"You can't cheat the dice Don," Valerie teased, "don't blame us cause you're crap at craps."

"Aha good one Val," George laughed, reaching across the makeshift table and giving her a fist bump.

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