Chapter 14

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Minor TW for this chapter;  mild description of domestic abuse and attempted assault. Nothing overly detailed but I'm giving a tw just in case.


"I'll get the next round. Same for everyone?"

They'd come to London for the weekend, and they'd even managed to convince Dick to come and join in on the fun. He'd been reluctant, but with enough pestering from the three of them he'd eventually caved and agreed to the trip.

Valerie smiled as she strutted up to the bar, signalling to the bartender for the same again. She leaned her elbow on the counter and looked around the bar, eyes lingering on her friends laughing and joking at their table. They all had bright smiles on their faces, and she smiled softly at seeing Dick loosen up and enjoy himself.

"What's a pretty lady like you standin' up here on her own for?"

Valerie rolled her eyes at the British soldier who'd sidled up beside her at the bar. She had absolutely no intention of responding to him because she wasn't the least bit interested.

"C'mon," he persisted, "Don't leave me hanging." She turned her head away from him, hoping he'd get the message that she really wasn't interested. By then the bartender had brought her drinks over, and she was about to pick them up when a hand on her wrist stopped her.

"I'd suggest you remove your hand from my arm or you'll wind up loosin' it," she snapped, glaring daggers at the soldier beside her.

"Oh a fiesty one," she leered, "I like it." She rose her free hand with the intention of smacking him clean across the cheek, but the bartender came over and interrupted.

"Why don't you let the lady go aye?" He said pointedly, "don't want no trouble in my pub." He hesitated for a moment before relinquishing his hold on her arm. She picked up the drinks without delay and made her way back over to her table. She could feel Dick's concerned gaze on her, but she shook her head at him as she sat down, letting him know it was fine.

Thankfully he decided to let it go, and she decided to forget the whole sorry thing and enjoy her time with her friends. But she could feel the soldiers eyes boring into the back of her head and it was making her skin crawl. She glanced around the bar and she couldn't see him anywhere, but she still had that uncomfortable feeling.

"I'm going to head back to the hotel," stated Valerie tersely, pulling on her coat as she stood from the table.

"I'll walk you back," called Dick, already moving to stand before she could even give him an answer.

"Oh there's no need for that," she admonished, waving a hand at him dismissively, "it's still early, stay here and enjoy yourself while you can."

"Really, I don't mind," he insisted, "especially after that guy was pestering you at the bar."

"Don't be ridiculous," she sighed, itching to get out of the stuffy bar and get some fresh air, "I'm perfectly capable of mindin' myself thank you very much."

"I know but..."

"No buts," she said with finality, "you're gonna stay here. Im perfectly capable of lookin' after myself. Good evenin' fellas."

Without waiting for a response she walked determinedly out of the bar and took a deep breath once she got outside into the cool evening chill, instantly feeling better. She walked quickly down the busy street, feeling much more at ease when she got away from the crowded street. She peered up at the stars as she walked, and she was so wrapped up in it that she didn't hear the sound of approaching footsteps.

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