28. I Make My Choice

Start from the beginning

"He's not worth it, Clay," Greyson muttered.

Clay allowed himself to be held back, his own fists clenched.

"Guys, cool it."

Now we all turned our heads again as another voice joined. Glen had come outside, warily eyeing the group and noting the tension. Becka was right behind him. She glanced at me, then ran over to the bar, stepping behind it and reappearing with a towel in hand that she jogged over to give to me.

"Thank you so much," I whispered to her, feeling relief hit me as I covered myself. She stood by me, her hand wrapped around my arm reassuringly, looking back and forth between Jimmy, my brother and Greyson, and Glen.

Glen walked up to them. "Seriously, calm down. No fighting here, that's something I'll stand by. Beat it, Par."

Jimmy was quiet, looking like he would actually just scoff and head back inside. But before he made that decision, he decided to have one last jab.

"Fine. If you ever want to live up to your name and have a fun time, Cory, you know where to find me—I'd love to grab that tight little body again."

I rolled my eyes. He seriously needed to step up both his flirting and dissing game.

However, Jimmy's sneer was wiped cleanly off his face by Greyson's fist. I didn't even see Greyson step forward, but his fist connected with Jimmy's jaw, and a nauseating thud joined the bass of the music on the speakers. Jimmy's whole body jerked to the side, following the momentum of his head, and he stumbled right over the edge and crashed into the pool with a splash.

Just as Greyson took a step back, shaking out his wrist, Jennings pushed forward—ready to give payback.

Greyson was still looking at Jimmy, so he didn't react quickly enough, but before Jennings could swing his fist he was shoved back roughly by my brother, who stepped between Greyson and Jennings.

"Stay out of this," Clay threw at him.

One of Jennings's Omayle cronies stepped up, but Greyson took also took a step forward now, silent support for Clay.

Reid suddenly appeared in my peripheral, approaching with a firm face, fists clenched at his sides as he came to stand just slightly behind Clay. Zane, Audrey's cousin, also appeared to support the trio.

I realized the party inside must have gotten the picture something was happening outside—because I looked around and saw that the back patio was now full of people. Someone had turned the music down, and a hush had fallen over the crowd, tension palpable.

As I watched, people picked sides. But this wasn't Greyson versus Clay. Instead, I recognized more of Jennings's cronies, and other Omayle riders, stepping up behind Jennings and Jimmy, who had pulled himself out of the pool with rage written in his eyes.

Raven Heights locals started appearing left and right, coming to stand behind Clay and Greyson. My heart thumped louder as the crowd got even quieter, all eyes trained on Clay and Greyson, who stood shoulder to shoulder, glaring down Jimmy and Jennings.

For a moment, I thought an all out brawl would break out—Omayle versus Raven Heights, a simmering tension that had been rising ever since the groups joined for the competition.

However, it dawned on me that someone was out of place. Jennings noticed the same, and unfortunately was the first to comment.

He sneered, the lip ring glinting in the dim light outside, looking eerily like Spencer. Thank goodness he wasn't here, he would've started throwing punches five minutes ago. "Ah, Ryvers. You look a little out of place in the middle of those Raven Heights prep boys. Guess Lawson does have a pretty big hold on you, huh?"

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