So in many ways Harry and Louis were similar. Although Harry came from a place of needing to be strong and stoic but Louis from one of concern, they had the same intentions nonetheless. The alpha stilled for a few moments after he turned to face Louis, needing to think about what he wanted to say.

"I think the idea of mocks are getting to me a bit. I'm stressed out my box and can't seem to get the looming thought out of my head." The boy's mouth was salivating as he spoke, his throat was dry and screaming for a drink. Louis turned away from him without saying a word.

He began to walk away, leaving Harry's self esteem diminished slightly. But he returned very shortly after with a few paper towels in his hand. He approached Harry warily, resting a hand onto the boys shoulder and leaning onto his toes to make himself a bit taller before he began to wipe softly at the side of the green eyed boy's mouth.

The omega scrunched up one of the paper towels and placed it onto the counter beside them, then took another one to Harry's forehead, dabbing away at the sweat beads that were forming. "I get how you're feeling, I really do." Louis was looking right into his eyes now, still sympathetic of Harry's current state. The alpha turned away, looking down to his feet, childlike in his expression.

"H, look at me." Harry didnt move his gaze from the floor, so Louis took it upon himself to grip the taller boy's chin with his fingers and pull his head up to look at him square in the face, "You'll get through his, I promise you. It's just mocks, no one is going to chop your limbs off if you don't supersede everyone's expectations."

Harry let a small laugh escape from his lips and he raised his arms up to silently ask for a hug off of Louis. The smaller complied, standing back up on his toes to reach his arms over Harry's shoulders and wrap around his neck. He pressed a light kiss to Harry's cheek and rested his head back down onto Harry's shoulder, "You've got this, okay?"

The older teen detached from Louis and smiled, giving him a grateful thank you, "You know I thought I had pissed you off earlier on." He mentioned, voice low, still feeling quite shy after needing the reassurance. Louis shook his head and questioned the alpha's statement, "Well you walked straight past me and into the toilets, thought you were ignoring me. You made me worry."

"I'm sorry I was in my own world. Wasn't even paying attention to where I was going." Harry smiled again, laughing at Louis' admission, and shaking his head at his stupid reaction, "The only reason I came out of my little trance was because I walked into the door of one of the stalls in there." Louis tilted his head in the direction of the toilets, laughing at himself and then shook his own head in embarrassment.

"I know you told me not to feel special. Believe me I'm trying my hardest not to right now with you being so nice." Louis looked at him with confusion written on his face, but kept his eyes locked onto Harry's face, "Stop me if you want to."

Louis eyes widened when Harry leaned his head lower to the smaller boy's face, he didnt even have time to question what was happening before Harry's lips were connecting on his. Louis stilled for a moment, his hands falling onto Harry's shoulders again, and then Louis was pushing his shoulders away.

Harry immediately apologised, stepping backwards, but Louis stopped him. "Woah, wait a minute, H." His voice was scarily calm to Harry, he had only just now registered what he had just done and cursed himself for doing something so impulsive. He had just kissed Louis in the school toilets, "Did you mean to do that?"

"I don't know. I think so. I'm sorry, Louis." Harry's gaze was again pointed at his feet and as Louis kept his own eyes on Harry's face, he read from the boy's expression that he looked ready to run away right in that moment. The omega pulled Harry's hand into his own, reaching forward to grab it, and brought it to his chest.

"Have you spoke to your brothers about doing that?" Harry nodded, one jerk of his head was all he could manage to do before he was apologising again, "Love, calm down. Hey, stop apologising." Louis was trying his hardest to get Harry's attention to focus on him, to get out of his own head, "Look at me, Haz."

That got his attention, the simple nickname. Louis wanted to panic, he never thought this would happen to him. An alpha that had been kind and allowed him to enter his life and was kissing him. He imagined it to be rough and unwilling from his part but it was sweet and soft and Louis wanted to do it all over again.

"You stop me this time." He whispered as he dragged Harry back over to him, planting his lips onto the light pink hue of Harry's. Harry didnt react for a moment, just like Louis had done before, but eventually he put a hand onto the back of Louis' head and supported his neck, grabbing onto his hip with the other hand and pulling him closer to his chest.

They were both totally wrapped up in the moment, ignoring the rest of the world as they kissed, until harry pulled back to catch his breath. He pressed a gentle peck onto Louis' lips, "We should probably get you back to class" The alpha said softly, his eyes now having no fear when it came to looking straight into Louis'.

"For now, but we will need to talk later on, preferably with your brothers present." Harry blushed slightly, nodding his head and directing Louis out of the bathroom. He took Louis' hand into his own and headed towards the stairs, "Are you feeling better now? Less sick?" Louis questioned quietly, voice full of concern again.

"Yeah, I'm good." Louis looked at him with a raised eyebrow, a questioning glance on his face, "I promise." Harry said more sincerely.

"Right, fine. I'll believe you this time." Louis stopped outside the corridor to take him down to his class and reached up to kiss Harry's cheek, "We'll talk later, yeah?"

Harry nodded and returned the kiss, letting his lips linger against Louis' tan skin before he let go, squeezing his smaller hand and letting them drop between them. He turned then to walk away and finally let another blush drop onto his face and actually realised what he had just done.

He really thought that he and his brothers would talk to Louis about his stepdad before anything like that would ever happen. Actually he never thought that he would ever get to kiss Louis in his lifetime, and there he was standing at the foot of the stairs in total disbelief, giddy and happy. 

Hi again, today I thought cut the bullshit and get on with the story.
So Happy Birthday I guess?
What do you think?
Beanz <3

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: May 13 ⏰

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