6- A Bad Day.

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09:26 Louis.
Hey, thanks for the homework and your concern, got everything sorted :)
Oh, and you have a good weekend too

Marcel was partly embarrassed to admit that he read the message multiple times over that morning. He was sat in their home gym when his phone buzzed, so he picked it up curiously and was very glad to see a reply from the small omega. He was also relieved that he was okay after his abrupt departure from school the previous day.

Once he had left the gym and made his way back upstairs, his brothers were sitting on the couch, now changed into joggers and jumpers, and had the tele playing before them. Both teenagers had their phones out and were hardly paying attention to the, now obvious, background programme that was emitting the only sound in the room.

"Where's the dogs?" Marcel asked as he took a seat on the opposite couch, laying his feet up and propping his head against a cushion. Both of his brothers jumped slightly at the new noise beside them before they looked to Marcel, "In the back, it's warm." Harry replied, looking back to his phone immediately.

Marcel sighed, leaning his forearm over his eyes as he laid down fully on the settee, removing his arm fairly quickly when Edward cleared his throat.

"Did Louis reply?" He questioned, looking over to Marcel from his position next to Harry. The younger of the two on the large couch had his head rested on Edward's shoulder, an arm linked underneath Edward's own too, as he kept his eyes on his phone while his brothers spoke.

"Yeah, said thanks and that all was good." Marcel replied hastily, a small smile presenting itself on his lips at the thought of the blue-eyed boy. He rose from the couch again, "I'm gonna go and see the dogs." He muttered to his brothers, who weren't really listening anymore, and made his way through the house and to their back garden, seeing the dogs rolling around on the grass together.

He walked down the stairs on their decking and sat at the bottom, watching them in silence. When his brothers didn't pay attention to him, it immediately put Marcel down, he knew it wasn't anything personal- that they were already preoccupied and doing something else but he wasn't thinking about that at the time.

The boy let himself drift away with his thoughts, imagining different scenarios in his head, as well as thinking back to the events of the past few weeks. He didn't feel like he had had very much time to think alone for a while, to just let himself be quiet and calm without any interruptions, something he valued very much but took for granted a lot of the time.

He enjoyed sitting by himself and reflecting, it gave him time to be undisturbed and rational about his ideas and feelings for certain things, and currently people, as well as allowing him to relax, let himself recharge.

The teenager couldn't deny that he was extremely introverted by nature, that he preferred to listen, rather than talk, that he would much rather sit with one or two people than a big group, that easily overwhelmed him.

So, when he met Louis, and seen that the smaller boy was much like himself, he became interested. He wondered that, outside of school, if they ever found themselves together, they would just sit in silence and think, if they would just be calm together and enjoy the quiet that would more than likely surround them.

He let out an involuntary, and slightly effeminate, yelp when a hand came into contact with his shoulder. The alphas eyes darted up to see Harry, a sympathetic look in the older boy's eyes, as he sat down next to his younger brother. Marcel let out a large huff of a breath, exasperated in nature.

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