3- Let It Out.

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Edward locked the large black range rover as the three made their way into school. He wasn't feeling right this morning, he didn't know what was going on, but something felt off.

His brothers noticed it too. He was snappier than he usually was in the morning. And, although none of the Styles triplets were morning people, by the time they were ready to leave the house they were all normally fine and laughing with each other on the way to school. But Edward was silent in the car. He just couldn't shake the weird feeling in his chest and the little bit off cloud in his brain that was making him snippier and already tired at close to 9 o'clock in the morning.

"You sure you're okay, Ed?" Harry asked as he slipped his hand into his brother's. Edward rubbed his thumb over Harry's palm, stiffly, and took a deep breath.

"I'm fine, just feel a bit off." He sighed and removed his hand from Harry's again, wiped his palm off against his trousers and looked away from his brothers.

"Ed, maybe you should take a day for yourself. Take the dogs out a long walk and relax, if you're not feeling right you shouldn't be at school." He knew he should listen to Marcel, but he was extremely stubborn, and his current state wasn't reducing that at all.

"I told the two of you already, I'm fine." He snipped once again, turning his direction and walking away from his younger brothers.

"This is going to be a long day." Marcel sighed as they opened the door to the school.

"Ed, what is wrong with you today?" Zayn questioned as he passed the ball between them. He had pulled the other alpha away at lunch, claiming he would get Edward to 'release some steam' and hopefully get him back to his normal self.

"I already told you all, Zayn, I don't know. I'm having a bad day and if all of you would just back the fuck off then maybe it would get better!" He all but shouted back to Zayn. He could feel his patience being tested to the limits in the moment.

"Ed, I swear to god. I'm not at any fault for putting you in this weird arse mood but I'm not going to stand here and let you be a dick when all I'm trying to do is help you." Zayn sighed, waiting for a horrid reaction from his co-captain.

"I didn't ask for your fucking help, Zayn! Can't I just be left alone, or do you think I'm going to murder someone?" Edward threw the basketball he had in his hands straight against the wall, his eyes following it as it travelled to the other end of the hall.

"Do you know what, Edward? Fuck this and fuck you. Liam is ill, that's stressing me out enough and I know you didn't ask for help but I'm your best friend and I'm worried that you're having a bad day, so I'm just going to leave you be like you want so fucking much and I'm going to go and talk to your brothers, who you've been treating like shit all day, by the way, and I'm not going to worry about you anymore." Zayn didn't speak another word as he picked up his bag and blazer from a bench before exiting the large gym hall.

Knowing that he didn't want to worry Marcel and Harry anymore, he decided to go and see Niall and Louis. He made his way outside to the school grounds and walked towards the place he knew the omegas liked to spend their breaks, on the small patch of grass just off to the side of the car park. Sure enough, he found the two of them sitting on the grass, Niall on the phone, presumably checking up on Liam and Louis reading a book.

Zayn sat down, waving to Niall who gave him the phone and mouthed a quick, 'Li'. "Hiya, babe. You feeling better?" All he got in response was a grunt. Zayn chuckled, "You rest, okay? I'll keep Ni from phoning you again." He hung the phone up and passed it down to Niall, who had migrated to resting his head in Zayn's lap, laying his face towards the sunlight.

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