Don't Be Alone - P. HN x Reader

Start from the beginning

It took time for me to see Y/n again.

I was now more successful that I could have imagined and Y/n seemed to be doing okay...

Or better than I could have thought..

But still not good enough.

A few years later,

It was at the very same coffee shop that we saw each other again.

- Y/N POV -

"Are you still alone?" Hanni-ssi approached before I could leave the premises of the coffee shop.

I stopped in my tracks and contemplated if I should answer her like an old friend or a stranger.

I chose to do neither.

"I mean... are you still single...?" Hanni awkwardly rephrased.

I swallowed a whole knot on my throat and finally turned to look at her.

"If I was... why would that possibly concern you?" I asked in an annoyed tone.

"You... you shouldn't be alone... and... and you know that...," Hanni answered.

"AND WHAT ARE YOU GOING TO DO ABOUT IT?!?" I turned to yelled in her face.

"WHAT COULD YOU POSSIBLY DO ABOUT IT!?" I asked in pure anger.

I couldn't deny that I had been upset.

At myself.

At the world.

At God.

At everyone.

For fucks sake... I just wanted to be alone.

"DON'T TALK TO ME LIKE I'M YOUR ENEMY!!" Hanni yelled back.

That had been my breaking point.


I chose to leave Hanni as a friend...

Because it would be better for her.

I had realized that I wasn't okay... and having someone like Hanni... someone who had so much to look forward to... someone who's so caring and kind.... maybe even to the point of too good for her own health....

I just realized that...

I didn't want to hurt her.

I didn't want her to become bitter because of me.... or hurt herself because she chose to sacrifice her sanity for me.

I was such a burden for her.

But she stuck around...

And I couldn't allow that.

"Y/n, speak to me. Please?" Hanni-ssi begged again when I went silent.

I took a deep breath and refused to let my guard down.

"Why did you do it? Why did you leave?" Hanni continued to asked.

"Because I had to!" I finally yelled back in her face.

"Just answer,"  Hanni calmly ordered.

"Did I do something wrong?" She continued on.

"I didn't just stop talking to you... I stopped talking to all those I cared about," I coldly sighed out.

"Why?" Hanni asked... almost as if she had ignored my statement.

"Did we do something? Did we fail you? Were we not there enough? Why did you leave when everyone else wanted to be there for you...? When I wanted to be there for you?" Hanni asked.

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