Author's Note (2)

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Ahem, um, yeah...hi.

If you follow this story, you're probably wondering, "Scribe, what the hell are you doing? It's been forever!" I realize that, and I apologize. A lot has happened since I last updated this; Devin and I both had birthdays, I got into a fine arts academy over the summer, and I've been stressing over the wonders of high school. *Cough, sarcasm* However, a lot hasn't happened, if you know what I mean. There hasn't been anything that's helped me update this or have the motivation to do so.

I realized something during this story's hiatus; this past January marked three years since the events in the "Why wait?" chapter. Holy crap, I'm old. Also, I'm racking my brain more and more just to remember some of this stuff. Thankfully, I'm great with dates, but my attention span doesn't remind me that this story still exists.

I could give a whole list of things keeping me from updating this (other stories, school, sports, stress) but the main one I have is emotional confliction. With the turn my personal life has taken and its lack of activity, it's not easy to go back to these memories. It's painful and easier for me just to push it back.

So basically, I can't really bring myself to write this right now. I don't want to completely stop the story, just push it back until the summer or something.

I just haven't been up to it.



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⏰ Last updated: Mar 11, 2013 ⏰

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