Chapter Twenty-one

Start from the beginning

    My thoughts wander to when Legolas became extremely awkward upon seeing me in my nightgown, and I blush all over again. I wasn't thinking straight. On Earth, I owned dresses that short that I wore in public. I kinda forgot about how strict Middle Earth is.

    Something white in the windowsill catches my attention from the corner of my eye, and I stand from my bed, wandering over to investigate. A single white flower sits in a tiny pot, the crinkled petals turning brown with death. I have always loved flowers. My mother had a huge garden in our backyard in Alabama, and it was always beautiful and bursting with color. I loved to sit in the garden and relax on warm spring days with my mother, and this flower reminds me of her and the life I used to have. Tears come to my eyes unwillingly, and I blink hard to try to stop them from falling. I reach out to touch the petal, wishing more than anything that I could somehow bring life back to it. My skin brushes one of the dry petals, and I expect for it to fall off. But it does not.

    A faint gasp of surprise escapes my lips, and I back away from the flower in alarm and confusion. The petal that I touched began to stretch out, knocking away the crinkles in its structure, and the brown color began to vanish and turn into a faint silver. I watch in awe as the rest of the petals slowly do the same until I am left staring at a perfectly healthy silver flower that glows enchantingly.

    Oh my gosh, I am Harry Potter.

    I step forward and look more closely at the strange flower. Its appearance instantly reminds me of the Moonlace flower Calypso gives to Percy Jackson in the Battle of the Labyrinth, and the thought brings a wide grin to my lips.

    I am so confused, though. How did I bring a plant back to life? And on top of that, how did I turn a white flower silver? Maybe this is a magic flower, and my touch just activated its powers. But somehow, I know this observation is not true. When I touched the petal, this strange warmth came to my fingertips. It felt like electric sparks wrapped around my fingers, but it wasn't painful, just... weird. My breath is now coming out in small puffs as if I just ran a mile (which is something that I definitely did not do), and my body feels a bit weaker than it did just a moment ago. It is as if I transferred some of my energy to the plant, but that is impossible, right?

    I gasp as a sharp pain suddenly shoots through my chest. A cough escapes my lips, several others escaping right after it. My vision swirls in and out of focus, and my head begins to ache horribly. I try to breathe steadily, hoping that it will somehow help my sudden sickness, but it does not work. My skin feels hot, and a sheen of sweat forms on the surface of my skin. I stumble over to my bed, resting the palms of my hands against the edge in an attempt to regain my balance and fight away my dizziness.

    My breathing is uncontrollable now as I gasp for air, feeling as if my lungs are constricting. Panic surges through me as I wonder what is happening to me. It is entirely impossible for sickness to hit so suddenly. Tears trail down my cheeks as I am reminded of all the pain I went through on earth, and, for a moment, I am terrified that my cancer has somehow come back.

    The door to my room bursts open as another round of coughs rack my body. I cover my mouth as I cough, and when I pull away there are spots of blood on my palm.

    "Lie down, child," I hear the comforting, yet worried voice of Galadriel say, and she helps me to lie down on my bed.

    I groan as another wave of pain attacks my body. It feels as if I am being stabbed in the chest, and my head is pounding. I hear others enter the room, but I have my eyes shut tightly in pain. I could not care less who is in this room at the moment. Lady Galadriel places her hand over my eyes and begins to speak in Elvish. Bright light shines behind my closed eyelids, but it is a warm, soothing light. The pain in my body begins to disperse after a few minutes of her chanting, and I am left weak and panting.

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