Chapter 4

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Alastor peered out the window pane as he entered the town. He was currently sitting in something akin to a horse carriage although it wasn't as fancy. It was a horse drown buggy. Being pulled by two large horses and one driver on the front. Separated by a window that could be opened and closed like a flap. The interior or the buggy was basic. It held about twelve people total. With windows available to be opened or closed by each bench. A roof made the buggy closed in and safe from any sort of rain. Even if it had been a bit of a dry season Alastor definitely had been grateful for that luxury multiple times. The interior and exterior were wooden and painted black. With the logo of whatever company that built it on the outside.

Alastor never really minded the slow pace of this type of transportation. It beat walking at least. It also gave him a chance to take in the scenery. Besides it wasn't that slow, the horses were fast. If they needed to be. Although it might jostle the carriage. As he rested his chin in his hand he vaguely recalled something. That he read in a book at the local library years ago. Some kind of metal machine. That was similar to the carriage but it wasn't pulled by anything. It ran on its own. Apparently those were more common up north. Or were they? Maybe he was confusing himself and just remembering his weird dreams where those strange metal machines were. He shrugged to himself, making a mental note to return to the library soon and look into that. More knowledge was always good.

The wheels hit a bump and jostled the carriage. Alastor smacked his head against the window. He grumbled under his breath and rubbed his forehead. The carriage slowed and he looked to his right. There was a rest stop for more passengers waiting. The carriage wasn't too full. Only about four people (including himself). One more joined, opening the door located at the back and entering. Alastor eyed the new arrival. A dark-skinned black woman with piercing hazel eyes. She was wearing a long red dress that hovered over the floor. It was elegant. Just like the scarlet sun hat on top of her brown hair. Tied neatly into a bun.

Their eyes met as the woman paused in the aisle. She smiled at him and Alastor simply turned away. He felt the bench dip ever so slightly beside him and then the carriage began moving again. Without looking he said warmly yet groggy, "good morning Ms. Rosie."

She chuckled, "oh come now I'm not much older than you. There's no need for that 'Ms.' stuff."

He shook his head, amused with her remark. 27 wasn't that old, sure. But she certainly dressed like she was old enough to be his mother. And in his opinion 27 was far older than 27. But he decided he didn't want to be smacked today. So instead he turned, gave a polite smile and remarked "right I apologize. Good morning Rosie. How are you dear?"

She returned his smile, but there was a hint of smug satisfaction in her eyes he couldn't deny. It was in the way the corner of her lips fought off a smirk. "I'm doing just fine darling. I'm on my way to the store for some material. And you?"

"Off to work, per usual." He replied, a little dryly. Turning his attention back to the window.

Rosie frowned. "Oh what's wrong Alastor?" He hummed. "You're usually more cheerful than this. Why are you acting like someone stole your favorite hunting rifle." He passed her look. Favorite? He only had one to begin with. She just shrugged. "Please, do tell. What's troubling you?"

"Curious as always aren't you."

Rosie smiled once again. "Of course."

He rolled his eyes. This was nothing new of course. "It's just a small pest. That's all."

She chuckled; "Lucifer refused your pitch?" His inaudible grumble was enough of an answer. "Dear I don't know what else to tell you that I haven't already. That man is as stubborn as they come. He won't listen unless you have one of two things." She held up her freshly done nails that of course matched her color pallet. Alastor side-eyed her. "One, proof." She held up another finger. "Or two some moxie. You don't have proof then challenge the old betty."

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