How To Break Bad Habbits

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Have a goal: although it may seem obvious, it is important to understand that the first step in breaking a bad habit developing a true desire for and commitment to changing your life.

Understand your habit: most habitual behaviors are patterns that have evolved because they have been rewarded in some way. They make it easier to perform a common task, or to deal with various emotional states, resulting in a "reward" in the form of neurochemicals that trigger our brains' pleasure centers.

Make a plan: once you understand the situation that triggers your habit and the reward you receive for engaging in the undesirable behavior, you can make a plan that involves goals for behavior change and strategies for minimizing habit triggers.

Visualize: in your mind, repeatedly practice breaking the habit by imagining scenarios in which you engage in desired behaviors rather than the bad habit.

Practice awareness: be conscious of when you are tempted to give in to bad habits. What are the situations that lead to the undesired behavior? - reward yourself: because habits are created when a behavior is rewarded in some way, a great way to create new habits is to reward yourself for good behavior.

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