~{A Broken Heart, Healed}~

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Principal Nezu sat anxiously in the hospital waiting room, his small form perched on the edge of a chair. His wife, Sakura, was currently in the delivery room, giving birth to their first child. Nezu couldn't wait to hold their daughter in his arms and start their life as a family, but his excitement was tempered by worry.

You see, Nezu and Sakura lived in a world where villains roamed freely, causing chaos and destruction wherever they went. As the principal of U.A. High School, Nezu was all too familiar with the dangers of this world. He had dedicated his life to training the next generation of heroes, so they could protect the innocent from the villains' wrath.

But today, Nezu's focus was solely on his wife and the child she was bringing into the world. He prayed that they would both make it through the delivery unscathed. However, his worst fears were soon realized when the hospital was suddenly attacked by a group of villains.

Nezu could hear the chaos outside, the screams of the injured and the sounds of destruction. He knew that his wife and child were in danger, but he was powerless to do anything from where he sat. All he could do was wait and hope that help would arrive soon.

Hours passed before the all-clear was finally given, and Nezu was able to rush into the delivery room. However, what he found there was not what he had hoped for. Sakura lay motionless on the bed, her skin pale and lifeless. Nezu's heart shattered into a million pieces as he realized that he had lost the love of his life.

But then he heard a small cry, and his attention turned to the tiny bundle in the nurse's arms. It was his daughter, a beautiful little girl with soft, downy hair and big, curious eyes. She was alive, and that was all that mattered.

Nezu took the baby in his arms and held her close, tears streaming down his face. He vowed then and there that he would do everything in his power to protect her from the dangers of their world. He knew that he couldn't do it alone, but he also knew that he had a whole school of heroes behind him, ready to lend their support.

And so, Nezu left the hospital that day with a heavy heart, but also with a newfound sense of purpose. He would honor his wife's memory by raising their daughter to be a hero, just like her mother would have wanted. And he knew that, with the love and support of his friends and colleagues, they could face any challenge that came their way. Now standing in-front of the UA grounds nearly a week later, the baby in a carrier as he looked at her proudly, his beautiful baby girl, Rosalie, had healed his heart the exact day it had been broken...

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 27, 2023 ⏰

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