~{My Beautiful Wife}~

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It was a beautiful day in U.A. High School, and Principal Nezu was getting ready to marry his longtime love, Sakura, whom he had been with ever since the day they met. The ceremony was set to take place in the school's grand hall, and all the teachers and students were invited to celebrate their union.

As the ceremony began, everyone watched in awe as the couple exchanged their vows. Sakura looked stunning in her white wedding gown, and Principal Nezu was beaming with happiness. Suddenly, the peaceful atmosphere was shattered by the sound of an explosion.

A group of villains had infiltrated the school and were attacking everyone in sight. Principal Nezu knew he had to act fast to protect his bride, so he quickly sprang into action.

"Everyone, evacuate the building!" he shouted, as he whisked Sakura away to safety. The villains were powerful, but Principal Nezu was no slouch either. He used his sharp intellect and quick reflexes to dodge their attacks and fight back.

As the battle raged on, the other teachers and students began to join in the fight. They knew they couldn't let the villains destroy their school and harm their friends. Together, they fought valiantly, using their Quirks to take down the villains one by one.

Eventually, the villains were defeated, and the school was safe once again. Everyone gathered around Principal Nezu and Sakura, congratulating them on their bravery and quick thinking. The couple was grateful to be alive and to have each other by their side.

As the sun set on the day of their wedding, Principal Nezu and Sakura held each other close, knowing that they had overcome a great challenge together. They were ready to face whatever the future held, as long as they had each other. "I will always protect you" Nezu had whispered softly to Sakura..."My Beautiful Wife."...

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