Chapter 11; loneliness Is Insanity

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Time started to fade together, hours turned to days, days shifted to weeks, and weeks slipped into months. Her body felt numb but broken. Dottore left her in a below-zero chamber for so long, thoughts of insanity filled her mind. The dark room was suffocating. Memories were her only form of entertainment. This felt like hell. Sure, the room was a little chill but by the thermostat hanging on the wall the true temperature was something that should have killed. Her eyes had long adjusted to the dark lighting some time ago, the pale glowing numbers gave a little depth to the room.

At some point sleeping was her only comfort, the only thing that made time move. Food would always appear during those moments of rest. She hadn't spoken to another person in some time, let alone heard her own voice. She didn't have the energy to talk, her body was in a constant state of shutdown. When (Y/N) was thrown in, he said nothing, Dottore just smiled and slammed, locking the door tight.

So, now she lay on the floor, eyes glued to the blackness of the ceiling. Part of her believed this was all a dream, like the cave before. But it was all too real. No, insane discoveries or re-living past trauma. It was just lonely.

She glances over to the thermostat, as the number ticks up. Her eyes widen at the number moving up and up. The room slowly grew warmer, the number ticking past the below-freezing mark.

After 20 minutes, the room grew unbearable hot. Her skin beading with sweat, (Y/N)'s vision was aglow as she tried to cool her body off somewhat. She felt like she was suffocating in the intense heat. But in reality, the temperature was that of a mid-spring, something that shouldn't cause this much pain. Frost and ice engulfed her body, trying to keep her core temperature low. (Y/N) laid on the stone floor trying her best to relax and not freak out in this heat box but she couldn't help herself.

The door opened, and her eyes snapped to the side, seeing Dottore smiling down at her pathetic state. Ice clung to her skin, desperately. He kneeled down beside her, eyes looking at her with pity and a twisted curiosity. He ran his hand across her cheek, melting the frost ever so slightly. "My, my, seems your body can't handle even the slightest bit of heat. Isn't that a fun hurtle?" He chuckled, "Guess I'll have to put you back under and fix this little issue."

And so he did, he lifted her from the floor, water dripping onto the concrete on the way there. Her mind was running wild. Her heart rate was so high, all the sudden stimulus buzzed her mind. She didn't know what to focus on or how to react. Being locked away for so long with nothing but blackness was mind-numbing.

Dottore walked her further down, moving into his laboratory. The air chilled making it easier to just breathe— to think. He smiled and laid her down on the metal examination table and immediately drugged her to sleep.

He quickly started to examine her. He was looking for anything out of what he expected. He starts to reanalyze everything. Slicing the skin open. Re-opening the channels. Dottore worked with precision and pride, not letting one thing slip by.

He worked for days, adding drugs and serums to try and fix the issue. Monitoring her core temperature the whole time. He watched it dip and spike over and over until after a month of tests he finally got it. He was so delighted with himself, with his creation. He stitched her skin closed, making sure (Y/N) remained under for a little longer for the skin to fix itself.

He watched over her, making sure that her vitals remained stable and good. While also doing a few other things. He was anxious to see if more testing needed to be done or if he needed to do more fiddling.

He listens to the door open and Scaramouche walks in, his face holding the normal scowl. "Having fun with your newest toy?" He asks, his tone full of disdain.
"It is going well, she has proven herself a bit of a challenge but you know how I love those." He smiles, thinking about future plans. "Perhaps we will have a new soldier when this is all done." He smiled wider, Dottore walked over to the small harbinger.
"What are you planning?" Scaramouche asks the doctor, sitting on a stool to the side.
"Telling you would ruin all the fun, wouldn't it?"
"Only if I cared." Scaramouche scoffs and looks to the side. "Do you really think she'll be helpful?"
"Oh, most definitely. Break her little mind and make her believe we are her only hope. That's exactly what I hope to achieve. Then we will have a Yakasha on our side." Dottore smiles wider, looking down at the unconscious girl. "She is made for war after all."

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 27 ⏰

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