Chapter 1; Time is Damning

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Qingce Village is the place I've remained for years. The Village has grown some in the 60 years I've been stationed here. However, with time comes tragedy, tragedies that one person should be able to move on from. I sat atop the mountain, staring down at the sunset-colored fields; the sky reflecting the beautiful colors. I brush my hands through my (H/L), (H/C) hair, sighing softly. Many of the families were settling down for the day, eating and laughing with each other. I look down and see an old woman approaching the bottom of the mountain gaining my attention from my melancholy thoughts. I stand dusting myself off before jumping down the mountain. I easily and safely do my usual fall route landing and descending until I stood in front of her. "Ruoxin, do you need me?" I ask, giving her a warm smile.
"No, no, (Y/N). Just wanted to check in with you, I worry for you, you know." She smiles up at me.
I only shake my head and let out a soft chuckle, "I'm the older one here, I look after you and the villagers, there is no need to worry for me." I reassure her while sitting on the stone behind me.
"You should leave." Her voice was full of wariness, but the smile remains on her face.
"W-what?" I was taken aback by her request, my stomach dropping.
"You should leave the village, (Y/N). You have remained here for years, never venturing too far. Yet, you isolate yourself, only doing chores and fighting." She pauses and sits beside me, "Everyone knows you're not content here anymore, I think you should finally venture out, maybe forge new friendships."
I didn't know what to say, I was frozen. So many emotions swarmed my head, guilt, regret... longing. I knew that I should try and find out who I was... what I was. But the fear of the truth is what anchored me here, the fear of something happening to these families I've watched grow and develop. But, even after all these years I still felt this hole in my heart, one that only the truth could fill.
"Just think about it, dear. You do have the time." She let out a soft laugh and stood from the rock. "Don't worry for this old woman, I'm sure everything will work out fine." Then she was gone, her frail body carrying her down the path to return home.

I stand and jump over to the logs that stood above the dam. I begin my usual routine, summing my sword I infuse my cryo ability into it. My fingers become extremely cold, my breath becomes icey, and a small cloud leaves my lungs. I focus on the frosty, crisp air. The water around me begins to freeze over, and in a burst of frozen energy, I swing my sword and twist my body in a fluid motion. "Sleep!" I exclaim as a small vortex of ice surrounds my body and expands the radius of ice by tenfold. I've grown to prefer the cold, the nipping that freezing temperatures made me feel at ease as if I was meant to be hidden in the snow. I release my energy letting it dissipate, allowing the slightly warmer night air to replace my element's effects. I have almost perfected my fighting style, in these years. I understood my vision quite well, I used to train and beat habits into myself over and over until I was an unbroken wall. My defense was great, easily my best attribute in fighting. The offense was a little shaky when fighting larger opponents, I tend to overestimate my strikes fighting slightly off from where I should be. I wasn't the physically strongest making my attacks weaker, but I was nimble and quick. I rarely ever use my strongest move, because, after the first time, I felt like I was suffocating from the cold and the amount of energy I released.

I sat on the pillar for hours, just watching the villagers' houses all lose light one after the other. Before long it was only the moon that lit the scenery, covering the area in a cool blue. I listen to the insects that creaked, filling the air with sound. I sat in thought, maybe it was time to leave the village, and figure out who I once was. I think I'm ready.

In an instant, I was in my small home, the place was already very bare. I was never here too often so I saw no point to decorate. I gathered my small amount of belongings, stuffing them into my bag. I glance at the room I slept in, the bed perfectly made, ready for me to sleep. However, if I was going to leave I'd need to go before I found a reason to stay. I knew myself well enough not to wish farewell to the village folk. In the end, I'd grow too guilty for leaving and not moving on as I should have years ago. Ruoxin was right, I was restless here. I have been for some time now. And unlike everyone else, I didn't have to worry about time.

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