Chapter 2; Secrets

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"Has she awakened, Xiao?" Zhongli asked, sipping his wine. Zhongli wasn't sure how to go about the situation, he did care for the girl but she wasn't in the best of shape to return to her prior duties in full.
"No, she remains unconscious." Xiao replies, standing to the side of the room. Xiao continues his hands unknowingly fidgeting, "when she does awake, should I tell her who she was?"
"No," Zhongli places his cup down and thinks for a moment, his amber eyes passing over the window. "I will decide if she should be released from her contact, but for that I'll need you to befriend your former Yaksha. Train with her. Watch over her. Then report to me. If she can return to her previous power level than I shall inform her of the truth."
"Okay." Xiao replies in short, a twinge of guilt fills his chest at the notion of lying. However, if that's Morax's request he has to do it.
"Also, find out what happened to her. I'd be lying saying I wasn't curious about how she reappeared after centuries." Zhongli adds, standing from his seat. He moves to stand beside the window, studying all of his citizens going about their day.
"You are dismissed."

Xiao disappear, returning to the Inn. Zhongli let's out a sigh, memories of Skadi flooding his brain. Even with her weaker, sicker body she had a strong will, often surpassing her limits time and time again; taxing her body with every battle. The other Yakshas often socialize with one another, and enjoyed their very rare free time in the camaraderie for all having the same inevitable fates, sadly, Skadi rarely joined in. Using all her time to rest and heal as much as possible before returning to battle. Out of all his Yakshas she worried Zhongli the most, He did believe she would be the first to be consumed by Karmic Debt, but clearly she proved him wrong. 'How did she survive all these years? Where was she? How was she not discovered earlier? I should have sensed her presence, any one of the Adepti should have sensed her.' These were the only things he could thing of, feeling responsible for her current situation. He felt letting her relax and hide away up in Qingce Village was the least the Archon could do for Skadi.

...Xiao's POV...

I stood in the room, looking over at her in pity. The room was warm, warmer than I preferred but I didn't know how to handle her Cryo Visions effects. "I wonder what name you have chosen for yourself?" I mumble out, wondering when she'd would wake up. This was a sight I'd seen a few times but very early on meeting her.


I'd gone to check up on Skadi, she hadn't left her room for quite sometime. It was starting to become concerning. Over the years, she was the one everyone was the least familiar with, only conversing before we returned to battle. I knock gently, calling out, but got no response. I sighed and slowly opened the door announcing myself. After I opened it fully, I found her laying on the floor, she was only a foot from her small bed. Clearly, failing at returning to bed after the battle had ended. Never would I guess the juggernaut on the battle field would be reduced to such a sad sight moments later. I approach her and look over her, checking for any grave injuries. Her (S/T) skin blooms with ice crystals on her finger tips and her cuts oozed our usual blackened blood. Slowly, I pry her bow from her stiff hands being careful not to hurt her. I place the cold bow down and lift her body placing her on her bed. Before I could leave she stirs awake, eyes lazily looking at me. I quietly great her, she sighs deeply and sits up. She lifts the lantern from beside her bed and quickly lights it. Her hands wrapped around the slow heating glass. "Can you light the fire?" She asks softly, her voice barely audible.
"Sure." I reply simply, grabbing a log from the fire place, starting a fire. The air growing in warmth. "Should I tell Morax of your condition?" I asked simply, knowing we were returning to battle in mere hours.
"No. This is tolerable. Nothing I can't handle, I'll be right as rain in a few hours."  She replies her voice growing in hostility, I can't quite tell to who though. "Thank you, Alatus."
"It wasn't a problem, if you need help again, just ask."

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