Chapter 7; Broken Trust

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Warnings; Swearing and Child Abuse (This will be only for a small portion, at the "..." It's over).

"Please, just be quiet!" Her hands shook violently, tears brimming her eyes. "I can't fail again! He'll kill them!" A small knife sat pointed at a man's face. Blood dripped down his legs, his muscles had been slashed at.
"Fuck off! Tell your master that I ain't given him shit! I won't be indebted to a disgusting boar like him!" The man spits at the girl's feet, "I don't give a shit about those kids. They are nothing but disgusting pests--"
"SHUT UP!" The girl yelled, ice quickly covered her limps the knife becoming chilled. Her heavily bandaged skin ached as her vision activated. "I can't leave without the money!" Her eyes locked onto the man's face, desperation overtaking her small mind. "I'll get it one way for another! Even if it kills me!" Her small hands swing at the man's neck, ice exploding from the blade. The man grabs her small frame and throws her backward, ice slicing his hands up.
"Damnit, kid! Don't make me kill you myself." Pulling himself up, grabbing onto an old dresser for support. "Fuck, you did a number on me. Oh well, I-I'll just have to be quick."

The man grabbed her throat a sick smile covering his face, "Maybe I'll send your head back to your master... I'll be quick, promise."
Pain surges through her body, the knife was tossed away in the throw making it just out of reach. Her small hands dug into his forearms, breaking skin easily. "Sleep!" Ice explodes from her body, quickly freezing the man solid. Her tight hold breaks his forearm in two, she quickly rips the hand from her throat gasping and coughing for air.

Truly, she didn't want to kill him... just to pass out or be dazed. She stared at the man's face frozen in time, a face she had never seen before. But looking back she understood he was taking pleasure in murdering a child. She pushed past the pain, quickly searching the home for any Mora she could find. She spent hours frantically searching the large mansion. Destroying furniture and walls, she needed this money. Under any circumstance.


(Y/N) jolted forward, looking around the dark cave. The memory flooded her thoughts, and anger-filled tears filled her eyes. (Y/N) was beyond angry, all the memories that have been flooding her head have been overwhelming to the point of ridiculousness.

She has now learned most of her childhood. She learned that her mother owed some very powerful people money and they came to collect the debt. A debt that she paid with her life. They killed her and stole (Y/N) away to do their dirty work. Having a vision at such a young age made (Y/N) very valuable and a great asset to the men. Their favorite activity was taking orphaned children, raising them to be killers, and truly loyal to the business. (Y/N) did her best to protect the younger children, doing all the dirty work as much as she could to protect their innocence.

She stared at the black void, she was mentally exhausted. Every time she rested more pain-filled memories would be dug up. She thought about re-entering the water but the darkness made her nervous. She didn't know the way out, and she didn't know if she ever will.

...Xiao's POV...

It was now late into the night, the moon dawned everything in cool blue light. I sat outside the entrance staring at the solid surface. Nothing I tried worked, I even considered an explosive but I didn't want to harm (Y/N) in the blast. I was growing impatient with every passing hour, I just wanted to know if she was alright. The anxiety was eating me alive.

Finally, Morax appeared beside me holding a book. "Apologies, I had to refresh myself on Domains and personal dimensions. I wanted to ensure my memories were not mistaken. I don't wish to lose one of my Adepti... again." The old god sighed, placing the book on a stone that erupted to his side.
"What needs to be done?" I asked, keeping his eyes locked on the solid stone.
"Simple. I have to pry my way in." He smiled, an all-knowing look filling his eyes. "I am The Geo Archon, and she seems to have placed herself in a stone cell."
"What did you need to check?" My voice was quiet, but I knew Zhongli heard me clearly.
"That it won't kill her."

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