2. Was that Summer so bad

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Hunter Johnson*

"You drive a Porsche 911?" were the first words out of my mouth when I saw her car. It made me wonder how rich she was and how nice her old car was.

"Yeah, It's not even that good of a car." Scarlett replies. Trey scoffs and says, "Sorry, she's just bitter because she crashed the 5 Million dollar car her parents bought her and then refused to buy a replacement when she asked them." Trey says, half-laughing.

"Well, my dad gave me the same model of car Mickey drove, so sorry." Scarlett looks like she wants to cry. Who was Mickey?

"Hey, Mick's car was his baby. He loved his car, hell, he loved that car more than his Fiancée. " Trey says, rolling his eyes. "Can we please stop talking about him? He's dead, he's not coming back." Scarlett says, angrily.

"Sorry, It's just... he was your brother." Trey defends himself. Brother? These people are leaving me with more questions than answers. We all get in the car and Scarlett takes a deep breath before starting it. Trey connects his phone to the car's audio."The driver gets playlist privileges." Scarlett says, ripping Trey's phone out of his hand. She then grabs her own phone and plays a different song. It seems that they do this pretty often. A song starts blaring through the speakers and Trey groans.

"Really Scar, out of all the songs on your playlist." Trey complains.

"Hey, just because it's your ex-boyfriend's band doesn't mean I have to hate their music."

Boyfriend? Trey groans and sinks into his seat.

"Scar, what's the rule? You don't bring up any of the boys or girls I dated, and I don't bring up the summer when you turned 16." Scarlett's eyes widen, and then she glares at him intensely. She backs out of the parking lot and drives down the street. The summer that they keep fighting about seems to be a touchy subject.

A sudden gust of wind starts tugging at me. Hide it, conceal it, don't let it - ah shit. A small whirlpool of the same wind arrives, begging me to acknowledge it. This has been happening since I was almost 17. Now being 18, It's so much worse. I have heard

stories from the elders, people whom this has happened to, and they say someone at this school matches if not exceeds my power. Oh, I guess I never properly introduced myself, I'm Hunter, and I'm not normal in the slightest. Oops, and there goes the fourth wall. I got expelled from my last school because I 'nearly killed a kid'. The only reason I'm at this hellhole of a school is because my grades are abnormally high. Plus, having power sucks. You would think it's a blessing, but it's not.

"Hunter, I don't know how, but you almost killed him young man. You're expelled." "I'm not dating a MURDER, we're over." "Power is hard to handle, Hunter" "Hunter, Hunter-"

"Hunter, you good?" Trey asks.

"Oh, yeah, I'm fine." I replied, startled.

"Ok, I forgot my wallet, so I need to go get it, then we'll go." Scarlett informs Trey and I.

We enter a block with lots of big houses. "These houses are huge!" I say wide-eyed. Trey and Scarlett laugh and say, "That's nothing." I see a long driveway leading up to a gigantic house, making the houses before look small, and Scarlett pulls up into it. The house had a sloping roof and big windows lining the entrance. There were multiple cars in the driveway.

"Scar, I just realized that Gemma might be home." Trey points out.

Scarlett parks her car. "She won't tell my dad, but she'll freak."

"Gem won't do shit, she's pretty chill for a lawyer." Trey says.

"Fine, but it's not gonna be my fault if things go wrong. Text Lyssy, ask if the LA's want to do an LA only day." Scarlett says.

"LA only day? What's that?" I ask.

"It's where this group of kids at our school that are famous or have well known families hang out. We're part of the LA's, we grew up in fame." Trey explains.

I look out the window and see the Hollywood sign. Damn, these people have lots of money. We get out of the car and walk to the door. A woman with the same black-brown hair and the same piercing blue eyes as Scarlett is standing on her porch.

"Hey, Mom, Before you freak out, It's an LA hang out."

"You're hanging out with that Voughnhouten girl again? She's trouble." Scarlett's mom scolds, bitterly.

"Ma, Alyssa is fine, she just has a big ego." Scarlett explains.

She grew up with these two kids that people call the DJ twins.

They're also part of the L.A's.

"Yeah, aunt Gemma, but please don't tell Chris or he will put us in detention." Trey adds, flashing a smile.

"Fine, but your dad is tracking your credit card, he has been since you snuck out and went to that club last month." Scarlett's mom says. "Oh." Scarlett mumbles, biting her bottom lip.

Trey looks at Scarlett and motions for her to go to him. When she does, he whispers something in her ear and she glares.

"Scarlett I-" I start to say.

"You can call me Scar or Lettie. No one calls me by my first name unless I HATE them, or they're mad at me."

"Amanda calls you Scarlett." Trey argues and Scarlett rolls her eyes.

"Ok, well Scar, what are we doing today?" I ask.

"Can we recreate that summer, Lettie?" Trey teases. Scarlett's eyes dance in panic. Her mom looks at her and raises an eyebrow. Gemma then shakes her head, grabs her bag and leaves.

"No, Trey, we can't. That summer was hell. Literal hell on earth, I lost Mick, I almost lost you. Freaking Lilly, innocent Lilly hated me for a while too, so no." Scarlett says in an angry tone.

"You didn't almost lose me, Scar, not even close. But that's over now. Mick was like my brother and I'm so sorry that he's dead, but I can't bring him back. I shouldn't've brought it up." Trey says softly.

Scarlett bows her head with tears in her eyes. Trey wraps her in a hug, trying to comfort her. I feel like I'm intruding on a private moment and don't know what to do.

"I'm sorry, Trey, I hate how I am." Scar says, sobbing. "Rae, don't blame yourself. It's not your fault." Trey reassures. Though, was that whole Summer so bad?" Trey asks, trying to lighten the mood.

"Don't call me by my middle name!" Scar demands. But no, it wasn't." Scar says, wiping away tears from her cheek as she runs up what looks like a never ending staircase to go get her wallet. When she returns, most of the redness from her face has cleared.

Scar pulls herself together and gets in the driver's seat. Trey and I get in the car after her. I wonder if Trey and Scar are dating, but I don't want to ask. Maybe they used to but aren't anymore. I sit down and look out the window.

After a few minutes, I start to think that she could be the power match. She fits it perfectly, being confident and caring. I know there are others that have singular powers, but power holder matches are incredibly rare. Letting your thoughts slip is exceedingly dangerous when you are hiding powers. Though, knowing how to control it is easy when you've been doing this since you were 15. I close my eyes and start to forget the world. I feel like I finally escaped this shitty town I was born in, I feel safe. If only I could feel this way all the time.

We arrive at the beach, and we all get out and make our way to a bench. We sit down, and all Scarlett says is, "This is supposedly where my brother died." 

I'm back with a new part and soon a Spotify playlist.

I love how I write romance but the playlist will be mostly sad.

You meet Alyssa and the twins next maybe.

Comment please I want feedback. 

Bye love's Gracie Rose 

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