1. New Kids and Key Retrievals

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Scarlett ryelynn

I glance at my clock frantically. It reads 7:30. Crap. I have to leave in 30 minutes if I'm going to make it on time to the elite private school I attend. I go there because my dad is the headmaster. I get up and quickly get dressed, thank god my dad said no to uniforms. I rush down stairs and immediately do a double take, the entire kitchen has been remodeled.

"Um dad, what happened? Also, Is Mandy here yet?" I ask. Amanda Davis is my best friend. She and the bitch, my ex best friend Maya, ride with me in the mornings.

"Well I got the kitchen redone and do you see Maya and Amanda?" My father says with a hint of sarcasm in his voice, pouring himself a cup of coffee.

"No, I guess not," I replied. " Listen, I know the school trip for Amanda's birthday is coming up but can I go to San Francisco this weekend, with the dance team? Please dad." I beg. The school trip has always been a tradition that everyone went to ever since Mandy's family moved here. I hear the door open and slam shut, shaking the entire house.

"I'm here people." Amanda shouts.

"Miss. Davis please don't yell, Gemma is asleep." My dad says. Gemma Is my beautiful mother. She's a lawyer, so she works late if she's not on a trip.

"Sorry, Mr. Ryelynn. Is Maya here yet?" She asks.

"Thankfully no." I answer.

Maya knocks lightly on the open door and peeps her head inside the doorway.

"Let's go, losers!" Mandy demands as I grab my bag and keys. Amanda and Maya greet each other as we walk to my car. I just nod, not in the mood to try to be nice. I get in the driver's seat and start the car.

"Get in, I don't want to be late." I say bitterly.

As the girls get in the car, I quickly check my mirrors and back out of my driveway.

"Hey, Scarlett, did you know there's a new student?" Maya asks, trying to break up the tension.

"No, I didn't." I say in a grouchy tone. New student, huh. I would think that I'd know about that. The rest of the 15-minute drive to school was peaceful and quiet. As soon as I step out of the car, a large group of girls surround me. All of them are talking at once. I hold out my hand and they stop briefly. "One at a time, what?"

"Have you seen what Hunter looks like?" A blonde girl asks with an excited expression on her face.

I shake my head, confused. "I kinda just got here so-" The intercom cuts me off and calls me and the new kid to my dads' office. Hunter?

I walk to the office and open the door.

"Dad, you wanted to see me?" I say as I make eye contact with a brown haired boy with bright green eyes. He's kinda cute. Then my dad holds out his hand and I sigh while I hand over my keys.

"Yes, darling, I did, I need you to show Mr. Johnson around the school." My father says.

"I can't, I have class." I argue.

"Scarlett, do you really think that I'd let you miss class unexcused?" My dad says, half-smiling.

"I guess not." I sigh in defeat. "Fine, but let's hurry." I walk back out the door and the boy follows.

"Scarlett's a pretty name." Hunter says, smirking. I glare at him. "Look, I don't know who you are or what you did, but you can't do it here." I say as we walk to my locker.

"More like who." Hunter mutters

When we get to my locker, I see a blonde haired boy with brown eyes wearing a football jersey leaning against it. I run up to him full speed and hug him as he spins me around.

"Damn Scar, I was gone for less than a week." He says, smiling. I looked back up at Hunter, appearing confused.

"Oh, Hunter, this is my best friend, Trey. Trey, this is the new kid, Hunter." I explain. Trey and Hunter shake hands. "Hey, you play football?" Hunter asks, smiling at the football Trey was holding. "Yeah, you?" Trey replies, excited. "Yeah, all the-" I cut him off. "NO! No sports talk!" I yell. "Scarlett?" I turn around to face Hunter.

"Why did your dad have you show me around when I already knew the layout?" He asks me. "Not that I'm complaining or anything." Hunter adds, flirtily. "What?" I question. I ignore the last part. I don't want to start anymore... complications.

He shrugs."I already know what the school looks like. The second floor is where the cafeteria is and downstairs is where the lockers and classrooms are." Hunter says.

I just stare, no words being able to escape my mouth, wondering how he knew the complicated layout.

"We're going to be late for class, let's go." Trey says, looking at his phone, unamused.

"How about we ditch and go to the beach?" Hunter suggests. Why he doesn't think that's a good idea is beyond him.

"No way! It's your first day here and besides, my dad will kill me and then put both of you in detention." I tell him.

"I want to ditch, it sounds fun. Please, Scar, I will never make fun of you for crashing Galix again, and I won't make fun of the name." Trey begs.

"Galix, who's that?" Hunter asks.

"My car, I crashed it into a tree last year." Trey looks at me angrily for a split second. He loved my car more than I did. "You know what? Fine, we'll go, but we have a problem. I refuse to drive anyone's car but my own, so we need my keys, which are in my dads' office on the 2nd floor."

"I thought about that, and I have a plan." Trey says. He explains to us a plan in which it seems like his mouth was moving faster than his brain. I tell him to slow down, and this time he explains his plan clearly. "All we have to do is go upstairs. Scarlett, act like you're getting some coffee. You said your dad has a meeting, so he'll be

busy. During said meeting, you sneak into his office, grab your keys, and go. All the while, Hunter and I will be watching for anyone coming our way.

Not bad, let's let's do it." I run up the stairs and head to the office. "Hey, Christy, I forgot to get coffee." The office lady nods. On my way down the hallway to my dads' office, I wave to all the aides. When I get to the door, I'm shocked to find it unlocked. I step in and take a quick look around. Hunter and Trey stand at the door and I reach in the top drawer, grab my keys and trade them with my fake pair I have for 'emergencies'. More like leaving them at my house at two in the morning to go for a little drive, so my parents don't get suspicious when they don't see them there. I learned they checked for my keys.

"Got 'em" I say as I toss them to Hunter. I was walking back down the hallway after stopping at the coffee machine. I saw my dad and said hi to him, he just waved. "That was crazy, Mr. Ryelynn didn't do anything when he saw you!" The boys exclaim, shocked.

"Yeah, yeah, let's go, I don't want to be caught. My dad will ground me until I graduate in June, and if that happens, I'll have to say goodbye to dance."

"You dance?" Hunter asks as we walk down the stairs.

"Yep, best on the team." Trey answers for me. I rolled my eyes, but it was true, I'm the dance captain. "I'm looking forward to seeing you dance." Hunter says, looking me up and down in a semi-suggestive way. I once again ignore his comment and continue walking ahead of them. Trey and Hunter exchange glances and smile, then try to catch up to me.

                                                                  word count 1368

Hey I'm back and honestly thinking of deleting forever yours but not yet, comment, follow do whatever.


Bye loves, Gracie Rose

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