04: hitman

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"Aera!" I whispered giddily into Aera's ear. "Aera," I repeated, like a nuisance She rolled over to the side, her arm flopping in my face, smacking my nose. I inched away. 

"AERA," I exclaimed loudly and pushed myself up onto my knees and rested on my shins before using my arms to shake her. She let out a muffled noise that resembled a bear and pulled the blanket up to cover her head. I stared stone-faced at the alien lump under the blanket. 

"AERA WAKE UP I WANT PANCAKES!" I exclaimed before jumping onto her and latching onto her like the gremlin I am and giggled as she tried to push me off. 

"You really are just a child, aren't you?" She muttered, blowing stray hair out of her face. Her voice was scratchy from the night before. Mine was probably worse after trying to hit the impossible vocals of NMIXX, TXT, NEWJEANS, and of course, Stray Kids. 

I looked down, a smile on my face. "Yup!"

She rolled her eyes. "Get off me," she said, her tone motherly and stern, "and I will make you pancakes," she finished with a sigh. 

"You got to pinky promise," I sang, sticking my pinky in her face. She glared at me before pulling out her hand from under the blanket and curling her pinky around my own. 


"Bet," I replied, scooting off of her and off the bed grabbing my phone, my feet cold and barefoot against the hard wood floor. 

I waited expectantly as Aera climbed out of bed, and unlike me, slipping her feet into fuzzy slippers she put by the bed the night before.

"Should we wake Ji-Ho?" She asked as we made our way down the hall, pausing by the banister. 

I shrugged. "If you have a death wish, then by all means go ahead." 

Aera scoffed, "Please, he can't be that much of a grump." 

"Oh he is," I argued as I danced down the steps, doing the arm movement of DDU-DU DDU-DU by BLACKPINK. "You think we should put chocolate chips in the pancakes?" I asked distracted as we walked into the kitchen, not even noticing BbokAri trotting at my heels until I turned and pulled myself up to sit on top of the granite counter top. 

Aera let out a little squeal as BbokAri whipped around and snapped at her ankles. 

"BbokAri, NO!" I shouted sternly, getting a low whimper from the dog before he sprinted away, probably to my room. I looked back at Aera. 

"Ugh, that dog hates me and it's all your fault," she grumbled as she pulled eggs out of the fridge, setting them beside me. "Search for a pancake recipe, would you?" 

"Kay," I replied, pulling out my phone and googling it. "Here," I passed the phone to Aera. 

The recipe read: 

1 cup all-purpose flour

2 tablespoons white sugar

2 teaspoon salt, or to taste

1 cup milk 

2 tablespoons vegetable oil 

1 egg, beaten 

"Cool. Looks easy enough," Aera said after reading it and moving to the pantry, going on her tippy-toes to reach the flour at the top shelf. 

"I'll crack the egg," I volunteered and twisted around, opening the cabinet above me, grabbing a small glass bowl. I took an egg out of the carton and cracked it, jumping off the counter and grabbing a fork from its home and beating the egg. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 18, 2023 ⏰

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