03: kissable lips

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After taking BbokAri on a much needed walk, I entered the house, which was smelling of hot food and spices.

I found Aera and Ji-Ho setting the table in the kitchen. "That was a long walk." Ji-Ho noted as he set down cups at each place setting.

I shrugged, "BbokAri was full of energy today."

Aera laughed, "When is he not?"

I smiled and unhooked BbokAri from his leash and harness and he quickly scrambled away, slipping on the floor on his way to run up the stairs, his tail thumping happily against the carpeted steps.

After hanging up his leash and harness, I walk back into the kitchen and went to where Aera was taking out the food. She grinned and pulled out her dish, japchae.

"I swear, Jangchung-dong really outdid themselves." Ji-Ho said as he joined us at the counter, "It smells so good." He breathed as he opened the container which contained the red broth of jjamppong.

Aera took her japchae and set it down at the table before going over to a drawer, pulling out soup spoons and chopsticks for all of us.

I soon joined her at the table, Ji-Ho joining us a couple of minutes later.

I unboxed my bibimbap and mixed it up, grabbing chopsticks and putting the delicious vegetables and meat in my mouth. "Mmmh," I let out a sound as the flavors coated my tongue.

"Isn't it delicious?" Aera smiled, before taking a bite of her own dish.

We ate silently for the next five minutes, devouring our food. I was enjoying that time until Ji-Ho set his intimidating gaze on me.

He narrowed his eyes, a sign that he was about to go in for the kill, ripping you apart with overly harsh words until he leaves you in a puddle of your own self humiliation. It was a part of his daily routine.

"How did you even get the guy to drive you? Isn't he some big idol?" was all he said, glancing at Aera for confirmation, who nodded before looking down, interested in the remains of her japchae. I rolled my eyes and focused back on Ji-Ho.

"Well..." I smiled faintly, "I told him I didn't have a car."

Ji-Ho scoffed and leaned back against the chair, his arms crossed against his chest.

"And," I continued, "Being the amazing person he is, he gave me a ride home!" I finished triumphantly.

Ji-Ho laughed bitterly. "To a bus stop. In the middle of nowhere." He lifted his hand to his chin, mocking to think hard about it. "I think I see it now. You're right. He is such an awesome person, in fact, we should nominate him for the fucking Nobel Peace Prize!" his arms flew up.

Aera then turned to me, "Sumin, I know this was an experience of a lifetime, really, I know. But, you left me with Ji-Ho's car and I had no idea where you were. I was really worried. You have to know when you can't just run off! I was close to calling the cops! And, if something did happen, what would Ji-Ho tell your parents? You have to think about what your actions do to other people. So, please Sumin. Think before you act from now on." She sighed, tossing her hair behind her with the flick of her hand.

I felt my cheeks heat up in embarrassment.

I looked down, determined to stay silent, wallowing in self pity.

I would have done this the entire night if it wasn't for Aera who broke the silence.

She cleared her throat, causing me and Ji-Ho to look at her. "Well," She started, smiling, "How is everyone's food?"

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