02: pennsylvania

22 2 3

He gave me a look. He must not get offended a lot, and to think that since he was all great and famous, no one would dare try to offend him. I wouldn't say I'm too lucky to be the first.

I should probably apologize. No, I probably shouldn't. He doesn't deserve it.

"Uhm," I cleared my throat. "I'm sorry." I waited a second.

Wait, no. You weren't supposed to apologize.

"I just, I mean...I'm very...totally not- not, not sorry." I spluttered. I really was making a fool of myself, wasn't I? But he doesn't deserve my apology.

Wait, what if he's having a bad day? Maybe he does need an apology.

Shut up, Sumin.

Felix just rolled his eyes, "News flash; I don't really give a shit."

He ducked his head under the SUV and slammed it shut.

I knocked on the door like the idiot I was, and he rolled down the window.

"I can file a restraining order on you, you know?" he spoke monotonously, raising his brows.

"I have a question for you." I ignored him.  

"Another question, hm? I'm assuming you're a sasaeng." he narrowed his eyes. Before bursting, "What?! What more could you possibly want from me?" He sighed, throwing his hands in the air in frustration.

I thought for a bit, choosing my words wisely. "I don't have a car." I lied. But it is kind of the truth, because the car isn't really mine.

"And...I just...was wondering, well... " I displayed a toothy smile. 

Felix sighed. "That sounds like a you problem." He started to roll the window up but I caught my hands in between the window and the frame to prevent him from closing it on me. He growled in frustration.

"I was wondering if you could give me a ride home?" I batted my eyelashes, hoping to encapture him.

Stop it. Why are you doing this?

"No. That's against my regulations as an idol. You should know that. Also, even if I could, I wouldn't." he looked me up and down.

"Please." I put my hands together.

"I can't." he sighed, his tone sounding lighter. "Maybe if you stop bothering me, I'll take you. But I'll have to ask."

"I'm probably not even going to see you again anyway, besides behind a screen." I muttered.

"Get in, then." he spoke firmly.

I was too astonished to move or speak.

"Wh-what?" I asked in disbelief.

"I'll literally do anything right now for you to stop talking." he folded his arms. "She can come with us, right? Just this once?" he asked the driver in the front.

The driver's response wasn't audible to me, but Felix gave me confirmation by nodding.

"O-kay..." I pursed my lips, awkwardly walking to the other side and getting in the van.

As I buckled my seatbelt, I received a text notification.

Where tf r u

                Ummmmm.....somewhere where u won't find me??

Oml sumin this isnt funny. Where r u?

I'll answer that later. Just take jiho's car and drive home.

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