9. The mother

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Notes: It's the last chapter, so get ready cause it's about to go down!

Words: 1655

She jumped onto the roof. I stared into her eyes. "You called for me, my darling?" She said, looking at me. I hate her. I glanced at the giant, that was now climbing up the Borg tower. "You clearly wouldn't have had that much time anyway. I was hoping we could finish the fight you started 6 hours ago." I said as I looked her in the eyes. "So, you tricked your poor old mother?" She said with a chuckle. "The apple doesn't fall far from the tree." She laughed. I drew out my weapon. "I am nothing like you." I answered her. "Are you not? I think we're pretty much alike. That hair of yours is from my mother. And those smarts, purely me." She claimed. The anger started to bubble inside of me. "And here you are. Killing your family member for your ideology. Believe me sweetie, we are very similar." She continued. My grip tightened on the sword. "I am nothing like you!" I yelled at her and struck the first sword stroke. "Your fighting skills, clearly inherited from your father." My mother responded as she dodged. She took out a dagger and tried to hit me with it, but I dodged. I tried to strike her again. "Your father had a problem of letting his emotions take over in a fight. It made him weak, and an easy target." She said as she dodged my attack and tackled me. I fell on my back. "You're father always lost our fights. Probably, because he was going easy on me." My mother taunted me and chuckled. " But that explosion, he never saw it coming." She laughed. I hate her. I hate her so much. I jumped up. "Don't talk about him! You never deserved him! You used him! You used me! You never loved us!" I yelled at her. "You gave my father no mercy. But don't worry. I won't be giving any to you either!" I yelled as I charged at her again. An intense fighting sequence broke out between us. It was interrupted by an enormous crash. We both turned around and saw that the stone giant had fallen down from the Borg tower. My mother was distracted by looking at it, so I kicked her hand, which caused the dagger to fly out of her hand.

She turned to look at me. I hate her. "I said, no mercy." I said and kicked her in the stomach. She flew down onto the floor of the roof. She looked me in the eyes. She looked... scared? No. She was just pretending. I walked to her and placed my foot on her chest, pressing her lungs. I could feel the air escape. I stared right into her eyes. "Please... don't." She begged as it was difficult for her to breathe. She looked... panicked... Scared... No! I hate her! I hate her, I hate her, I hate her! I have to do this. My eyes filled with tears. I raised my sword, ready to slice her throat. C'mon! Do it! Just do it Rumi! Then the giant crashed into the building we were on. The whole building shook and caused me to lose my balance. What am I doing? I dropped the sword and lifted my leg. My mother breathed in sharply. I took a couple of steps back. What was I doing... What happened... I almost... killed her... The giant swayed around, like it was confused. Garmadon was gaining control. Then it crashed onto our building again. It shook so violently that I fell down onto my knees. Then the whole building started to shake. I heard crumbling. I panicked. What is- "The building's collapsing! We need to get out of here!" My mother yelled at me. I heard her get up behind me, but I didn't turn to look at her. What have I done? What have I become? "I'm sorry." I said quietly. I stood up and looked around from the roof. I saw my friends. Lloyd, Nya, Dareth and Skylor. They were at least 6 blocks away from me. "I'm so sorry." I whispered again. I looked at my friends. I looked at Lloyd. Time slowed down again. I could feel the building crumble under my feet. I felt that my mother started to tug on my arm, trying to pull me somewhere. This was it. No one is coming to save me. I made my one last mistake. My mother yelled at me, but it all became muffled. I stared at the rising sun, soaking it in for the last time. I saw birds flying across the sky. Then I looked at Lloyd. My sweet Lloyd. Then the building crumbled under me. I fell down with it. I felt my heartbeat quicken. I closed my eyes. Then everything went dark.

I was standing inside the little cottage, breathing in deeply, trying to calm down. Nya was behind me, fixing my kimono. "Okay now the wataboshi." She said and grabbed it off the table and placed it on my head. "Now let me get a good look at you." She said. I turned around carefully. Nya looked mesmerized, she started to cry. I chuckled. "You're so beautiful." She said, with tears falling down her face. Tears started to form in my eyes as well. "No you can't cry! I didn't do your makeup for hours, for you to cry it off!" She ordered me. "Yeah, right, sorry!" I answered, picked up my fan and waved it in front of my face. The sliding doors opened behind me. I turned around and saw that Pixal and Skylor had entered. "It is time. Everyone is ready." Pixal said, smiling at me. She was wearing a beautiful purple cheongsam. Skylor was wearing an orange hanfu, with her 8 month belly rounding it out. I nodded. Nya grabbed my bouquet and handed it to me. I took a deep breath. I backed up a little, so Nya could get in front of me. Pixal opened the doors and they walked out in a line. The path to the shrine was covered in cherry tree leaves. Everyone was sitting. I waited for the bridesmaids to go first. Then I followed them. We all walked slowly as a classical piano song played. All our guests were standing and staring at me. All of our friends and allies. Scales, Ronin, Borg, Benthamaar, Milton Dyer and Unagami, Nelson. Then of course the close family. Wu was holding little Gale, whose face lit up as he saw Nya. Mystake was standing next to Wu, she was crying. Vanya was standing next to Mystake, he was wearing a traditional Shintarian suit. And my mother stood next to Vanya. I smiled at everyone. Then Pixal walked to the left side of the shrine, Nya behind her. I looked at the groomsmen. Cole, Kai and Jay were all dressed in their respective colors. Jay and Nya shared a loving smile, they were both wearing their ying and yang medallions. Zane was behind the shrine and held Pixal's hand. Then there was him. My Lloyd.

I couldn't help it. As I saw his beautiful face, my eyes started to water. Lloyd looked at me, with the look in his eyes that I loved. I walked next to him, gave my bouquet to Nya and gave Lloyd a smile. He looked back at me with the most warming and comforting smile ever. "Let us begin the ceremony." Zane said. We turned around to face Zane. Zane read out a small poem and then it was time for us to share our vows. Lloyd started. We were now facing each other. He took out a paper and started reading it out loud. "When we first met, I was undercover and compromised our mission. I bumped into you and I went silent. You ridiculed me, but I didn't answer. I was too busy, drowning in your eyes. I was too busy observing every feature you had, so I wouldn't forget them. I was too busy, falling in love." He had a little pause. "From day one, I knew. Even though the world tried its best to test us. I always knew. I knew you would be the one that I would say 'I do' to. I promise to love you for forever, as I already have in our past lives. I promise to face all our future challenges together as husband and wife. And I promise to cherish you until my lungs heart gives out, maybe even after that." He finished. We were both crying now. I love this man so much. Nya handed me my vows and some paper. I dabbed my face and tried to gather myself. "Lloyd. When we first met, I thought you were an unprofessional ninja. The second time we met, I thought you were a huge party pooper and totally stuck up. But, when you gave me advice, no one had ever given me, I realized you were something else. I realized you were something special. I realized, this wouldn't be an ordinary friendship. This would be something I had never even dared to dream of. This was true love." I had a pause, because tears started to fall down my face again. "You're my one true love. I promise I'll nod along to your bad ideas. I promise to comfort you, every time you lose at 'face punch' to Jay. But most importantly, I promise to be your wife, best friend and everything you need me to be." I finished. Lloyd was balling his eyes out, but so was I. The whole ceremony felt like a bliss. We had been planning for so long and now it was here. We declared to the whole world that I was his and he was mine.

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