8. The stone giant

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Notes: The last chapter of this book will be out on Monday! After that I will write a third book, which will be out on Wednesday or Saturday, haven't decided yet xD But, enjoy this one!

Words: 1600

My heart stopped. W-what. No. She's bluffing. "Well then I saw you actually caring for her daughter." I answered as I walked closer. "I wanted to tell you earlier, but I didn't have the chance, because you didn't want to have a talk. I saw them kiss! Why would I lie to you!" She continued. "Yeah, right. When exactly did you see them kiss?" I asked out of amusement. "You clearly don't believe me. I'm just trying to be a good mother and save you from heartbreak. That boy is bad news." She said. I stayed quiet. I was done keeping her entertained. "He is so stupid... But what can you expect from an orphan?" She said. I stayed quiet, but that ignited something in me. Anger. "And have you seen him fight? He is like a fucking toddler, with his spinjitzu twirls." She chuckled. "Shut up." I said quietly. "And where the fuck are his powers? I mean what kind of a leader or a 'legend' loses his fucking powers?" She continued. "Shut up." I said a little more loudly. "And have you seen him be a leader? Yeah no, me neither. Where has your little resistance gone? Nowhere. He couldn't even protect his allies, who now rot away in kryptarium prison. He couldn't protect his friends, who are now gone! He is no leader. He is just a helpless little brat!" She started yelling at me. That was it. I grabbed her cheeks with my hand. "Shut the fuck up!" I yelled loudly at her face. Then she crushed my foot's bridge with the chair's foot. I flinched and grabbed my foot. She fell backwards with the chair and it broke. She was free. I immediately tried to punch her, but she blocked me. "You're just a baby, Rumi." She said as she kicked me and I fell down to the floor. I stood up quickly and tried to punch her again. "I have had training far longer than you have. Mommy doesn't want to fight." She said as she dodged my attack and hit me on the temple of my head, hard. I felt lightheaded and fell down. 

My ears rang. I heard muffled yelling. As I opened my eyes a very bright light shone in my eyes. The muffled yelling continued. After a while I could make sensible words out of it. "Rumi? Rumi, are you there?" I heard someone yell. As I blinked a couple more times, I realized I was on the floor. "Take her legs! Lift them up, now!" It was Lloyd's voice. "Rumi? Can you hear me?" He continued looking at me. The ringing quieted down. "Rumi? Can you understand me?" Lloyd asked. "Yes." I responded quietly. Did Lloyd have tears in his eyes? "Oh, thank goodness." He responded and lifted my head to his lap and stroked my cheek. "Do you remember what happened?" He asked. I did, until the punch. "My mom... she said horrible things about you and then broke free... she punched me, really hard." I explained. "She must've thrown a temple punch." Nya said, holding my legs up in the air. I started to feel more present, but the headache didn't go away. I reached my hand to my temple, but it was wet. Blood. I was bleeding. "She's bleeding! Bring us some paper!" Lloyd yelled, as he must've noticed my bloody hand. Dareth ran to get some paper. Lloyd placed it on the back of my head. "If Mana escaped, Skylor and Mystake are in danger." Nya said. "I'm okay, you can put my feet down." I said to Nya. "Nya, go out onto the roof to guard incase of an accident." Lloyd ordered.

"You can go too Lloyd. I got this from now on." I said to Lloyd. "No way. I'm staying here. I'm not leaving you." He answered. "Fine..." I said quietly. As I lied with my head in Lloyd's lap, I started to comprehend what had happened. I let her go. I let my mother escape. It's my fault that the mission is now compromised. I may have killed Skylor and Mystake. It's all my fault. But I'm going to fix it. Somehow. I will fix my mistake. Lloyd kept me awake the whole night, talking to me. He told me more of their past adventures and I told him some of my favorite memories. Still all that time the guilt nibbled away inside me, consuming my mind every time me and Lloyd stopped talking. Lloyd fell asleep and I got up and got him a blanket. The sun was rising now. Nya came down with Dareth, who had joined her guarding. I sushed them and pointed to Lloyd. So we just stood in silence. Then suddenly, Skylor bursted through the door, waking Lloyd up. She was panting like crazy. "Skylor!" I yelled out loud. I didn't kill her! "Where's Mystake?" Nya asked. "I-i..." Skylor panted. "She didn't make it?" Dareth asked. No. Please no. Skylor shook her head. No. No, no, no. I killed Mystake. She is dead because of my mistake. Lloyd got up from the floor. Nya kicked a trash bag in anger and accidentally hit our radiophone. "Target last seen at the intersection of Nelson and LaMonica." Ultra Violet's voice said. "Got it. Moving in" Kilo's voice answered. "You were followed!" Nya said. "Did you touch him?" Lloyd asked. "Yes." Skylor answered. "Can you control it?" Lloyd asked. "Not sure, but there's a way to find out." She said as she exited to climb onto the roof. Everyone started following her, but I stood my ground. I killed Mystake... "Are you coming?" Lloyd asked. "No, I'm going to listen to the radiophone, in case there are updates. Also I could use some alone time." I answered. "If you're sure." He said and ran out of the door. I lied.

I need to fix this. I need to do something. Because of my mistake, Mystake is dead and our location is once again compromised. What can I do? I wracked my brain for a plan. When did my life become like this? Why, why, why! I grunted out loud in anger. "Think Harumi, think!" I said out loud, frustrated. Then I realized. My mother. My mother is the cause of all this. If it weren't for my mother, Lloyd's father would have never been resurrected. If it weren't for my mother my dad would be alive! My body filled up with rage again. My mother killed Mystake. The rage consumed every piece of my logically thinking brain. I could feel the adrenaline of it in my fingertips, I could feel it consume my heart until it was the only thing left. There is just one thought that stood out. One simple thing and everything would be so much easier. It was risky, probably even stupid, but I didn't care. I had to do it. I had to kill my mother. She is the cause behind everything. She started this all. She separated me from Val. She hurt Lloyd. She hurt me. She was behind everything bad that had happened. There was no other way. I had to do this. I had to make up for my actions. I could hear heavy steps again. The giant. Now was the time. Skylor was controlling the giant and taking out Garmadon. I will take out my mother. I have to go alone. This is my fight. My war. She is my mother. I grabbed Lloyd's sword and walked out of the door.

I tried to think of a way to contact my mother. I sneaked away, so the others wouldn't see me from the roof. Then I remembered. My dad taught us morse code, in of an emergency. The sun was rising, so now I only needed something to reflect light. As I walked, hiding from my friends and the bikers, I scanned my surroundings for anything light reflecting. Then I found a piece of steel. The stone giant walked around. The steel reflects sunlight so it will have to do. I decided to climb up to the roof of an apartment building and then do morse code. I climbed up to one apartment's roof and started to wiggle the piece of steel, in order to morse code. Space, space, pause. Space, space, space, pause. Space, space, pause. I stared at my mother who was on top of the Borg tower. She turned her head. I caught her attention. Again. Space, space, pause. Space, space, space, pause. Space, space, pause. That means mom. Dash, dash, dash, dash, pause. Dash, pause. Dash, space, dash, dash, pause. Dash, space, space, dash, pause. That means help. She was clearly staring at me. Then she turned to Garmadon. Then I noticed the giant was approaching them. Skylor was controlling it, good. My mom looked at Garmadon. Then at me. Then at the giant. She turned around ran down from the roof. I patiently waited for her. As I waited, something new formed inside of me. My brain started to fill with memories of my mother. But every memory made me hate her even more. She lied to me. For so long. She knew all this would hurt me. Still, she did it. Then I noticed she was jumping from roof to roof, in order to get to me. This ends now.

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