5. The stone giant

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Notes: I'm kind of having writer's block rn, but luckily I had this in store for you guys! I'm gonna try to get inspiration back up again. 

Words: 1543

"We've got company!" Nya yelled out. The stone giant's footsteps banged behind us. Then it fucking jumped in front of us! Nya reversed and Skylor started to shoot at the thing, but it was no use! Then the giant stepped on us! Fuck, fuck, fuck! It was crushing us! I grabbed Lloyd's hand and squeezed it hard. "I don't need that bathroom anymore!" Dareht yelled. The screws started to pop out of their places. "It won't hold!" Skylor yelled. "Oh, yes she will!" Nya yelled back and then pushed the gas pedal all the way down. The tires squealed as we still were under the giant's foot. "We're pancakes!" Dareth yelled. "Please, dad... don't do this..." Lloyd said quietly. I held his hand tightly in mine. Then suddenly. It stopped. The foot let go! We were free! Nya speeded up and drove us out, but then the giant started to falter and fall. Are you fucking kidding me! "Hold on!" Nya yelled. We got out! Yes! I let go of Lloyd's hand and blushed a little. He smiled at me and opened the hatch and looked out. He probably saw his father. "Where will we go?" Skylor asked. I thought of any place that could hide us. Somewhere lowkey? I wrecked my brain and then I got it. "Wesley street!" I said out loud. "That could work!" Nya said and started navigating to Wesley Street. I once again return to that street in hopes of survival.

When we got there I looked around to see who was there, everyone else following me. Then Maria ran to me. "Ms. Sato!" She said excitedly. "Maria, we need a hiding place. I don't mean you have to shelter us, but do you know some place where we could hide?" I asked her, in panic. "Oh of course! Once again, Garmadon hasn't been kind to our street. I'm afraid we have lost residents again... I see that you're with the... green pajama man, again." She answered me with a smile. I chuckled. "Yes, and we need to protect him. He is our only hope to survive Garmadon." I explained to her. "Yes of course. You have helped us so much, it's time we give something back. Please tell me is there something else you need?" She said with a sweet smile. "We could use some new clothes. Green is too... brave right now." Nya asked. "Oh of course, I have some spares, how many?" She said. "Two will be fine. We need to camouflage the ninja." I answered. "Yes, yes. Follow me, I'll show you the way." She said and started walking. We agreed that Nya's and Lloyd's old clothes should be burned. Nya also agreed to destroy her new vehicle. We got a small room, which had one bed. Nothing else. Brings back memories... Nya and Lloyd got some clothes and Lloyd even got a hat. They left to burn their old clothes. Me, Skylor and Dareth left to get food. I knew exactly where to go. The deja vu was hitting me real hard. Everything seemed so much smaller, but scarier at the same time. As we went to buy food I realized I didn't have any money. The vendor remembered me and said that it was on him. I tried to deny his offer, but he insisted. I thanked him gratefully. "Who's hungry?" I asked as we found Nya and Lloyd. "You didn't steal that, did you? We don't have any money." Nya asked. "There are still a few kind souls, who are nice enough to help." Skylor said. I gave Lloyd the food. "This place is kind of sketchy. Are you sure we're safe here?" Dareth said. "For the time being." Nya answered. We started walking towards our room.

"What about our friends? My mother?" Lloyd asked sadly. "The word on the street is that they were taken to Kryptarium prison." I answered. "Garmadon's forces have that place pretty bottled up. And before you ask... No, I cannot use my brown power to break us in. Those abilities... flushed away..." Dareth said. What the hell is this dude talking about again? "They'll be alright, but will you?" Nya asked, looking at Lloyd. "I already lost my powers. Now my friends? I couldn't protect them..." Lloyd said quietly. "It took us all by surprise." I responded. "But we have to endure." Skylor continued. "Yeah, right... endure. Living in squalor with the rats." He responded. Did he just... "Even those who have nothing find the will to carry on." I said sternly. This was the first time I was... annoyed at him. I know he's been through a lot, but that doesn't give him the permission to indirectly insult my past like that. Or maybe he doesn't remember. Did I expect too much from him? Is he not... interested in me? Lloyd turned his head to look at me and was about to say something, but then Dareth started yelling. "Aah! Rat! Rat, rat, rat! Rat, rat, rat!" Dareth kept repeating. He snatched a mop from the side of the road and was about to hit it. "Wait! Stop! Don't!" The rat spoke. What. In. The. Hell. "Erm... is that rat talking to us?" Nya asked, whispering. "Yes I believe it is..." Skylor whispered back. "Oh... I'm sorry." The rat said, standing on two of its feet. "Sometimes I forget how unnerving this can be, hehehe." The rat answered with a laugh. "Uh... how about this." The rat said and... Transformed into Mystake! What the fuck is going on. "Ah... much better." Mystake said. I just stared at her in disbelief. "Mystake?" Skylor said out loud. "Y-you were just-" Nya stuttered out loud. "H-how did you do that?" Lloyd asked. "Ohh! Food! I'm famished!" She answered with a laugh, looking at Lloyd's hand, which held the food bag. She grabbed it and started eating. This woman...? Whatever, they get on my nerves sometimes. "Heh. She made me pee my entire bodyweight. Don't you know she can do anything?" Dareth said. Ew, gross... "Perhaps now is the time to tell you who I really am! Or maybe after I eat..." Mystake said.

We walked to our room and ate, waiting for Mystake to tell us her true identity. I tried to avoid Lloyd's gaze, as I was still annoyed at him and I didn't want to argue. I was also mad at myself for expecting too much from him. So I ate my food quietly. Then mystake said she'd tell us tomorrow. Sigh. I just decided to go to sleep. Lloyd smiled at me and I gave him a faint smile. Ugh I was just so annoyed at myself. I let my expectations get too high. It's my fault, so I can't be too mad at Lloyd. Maybe he just isn't as interested in me, like I am in him. Maybe my mother was wrong, maybe I was wrong. Ugh... I woke up in the middle of the night again. This was a habit at this point. I looked around and to my relief, Lloyd wasn't awake. Or to my disappointment? I don't really know at this point anymore. I got up and walked outside. Our room was right next to the river, so I sat onto the ledge. The memory of the night I brought Lloyd here came back to my mind. When I told him... when I trauma dumped on him... As I stared at the water I started overanalyzing me and Lloyd's every single interaction. Was I so blinded by my own crush I just assumed he was too? Ugh I miss Val and her overthinking company. Then I heard the door open behind me. Are you kidding me? "Lloyd I'm-" I said as I turned around, but to my surprise it was Nya.

"Sorry, were you expecting someone else?" She said with a smile. "Yeah I thought you were Lloyd, but I prefer your company much more right now." I answered. She sat next to me. "Why is that? I thought you and Lloyd were close?" She asked. "He just said something today that made me realize he might not..." I stopped talking as I realized Nya didn't know about my crush. "Might not?" She repeated. "Okay, promise you won't tell him." I asked her, lifting my gaze to look at her brown eyes. "Yeah, I promise. We girls gotta stick together, especially when we're usually surrounded by boys." She said with a smile. "I might... have a crush on him..." I said quietly out loud. "Yeah I know." She blurted out. What! "Have I been that obvious..." I asked her with an embarrassed look. "Weelll, you haven't been so secretive either." She said with a chuckle. "So what did he say today?" She asked. "Oh it doesn't really matter what he said, but it just made me realize he might not feel the same way..." I said as I stared at the river again. "Why do you think that?" She asked. Ugh should I trauma dump on her too? I want her advice...

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