7. Noodle warehouse

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Words: 1570

The sun set and it was Dareth's turn to keep watch. He was looking out of the door. "They're here! And they brought Mana!" Dareth suddenly said. "We need to leave." I said. "I'll pack our things." Skylor said. She started running around, gathering everything. "No." Lloyd said sternly. "No more running! It's time to change things up." Lloyd said. "And what were you thinking?" Mystake asked. Our plan was that Mystake would shapeshift into Lloyd, so they would chase her. We planned where Mystake would run. While everyone is chasing Mystake, the rest of us will try to separate them, so that my mother would be left alone. Then we all would gang up on her and take her hostage. It was a quick plan, but it could work. Me and Skylor were hiding behind some trash cans, waiting for "Lloyd" to run past us. Then Mystake ran past us, pretending to be Lloyd, and behind her were at least four bikers. We took out one of them each. And we then followed Mystake to help her with the two that were left. Skylor had a sword and I had nothing, but that didn't stop me. We found Mystake and the two remaining bikers. We fought against them. I pulled up a trash can lid to use as a shield. Skylor's sword got thrown away, but she knocked the biker out with her kick. I on the other hand dropped the biker in water. We were clear. Mystake gave us a wink. Me and Skylor looked at each other and nodded. Now we need to go catch my mom. We had to walk only past one corner and there she was. When she noticed us she started to back up. Then Lloyd came out of the shadows and said something I didn't hear. "Lloyd!" My mother exclaimed. "You speak of change, but look what you've become. Nothing but a beggar in rags!" My mother yelled at him. "You took my friends away from me, so I took yours." Lloyd answered. Nya and Dareth appeared as well and we surrounded my mother. "Who's the beggar now!" I yelled back at her.

We tied her up. Then we only needed to find a place to keep her. Skylor remembered an empty noodle warehouse, which we decided to take her to. We tied her up to a chair and that was where we were the next morning. Me, Lloyd, Nya and Dareth were watching her. Skylor and Mystake were out for food. We had just removed duct tape off my mothers mouth. "Oh, how have the tables turned!" My mother laughed. "Your plan worked. We got Mana. What do we do now?" Dareth asked. "What if we use her for trade? Our friends in the Kryptarium for her." Nya proposed. "How does that make you feel, Lloyd? Your father cares for me more than his own son." My mother said. "My father cares for no one. Only his thirst for more power. Or an easy hookup apparently..." Lloyd answered sternly. Ookay that's was something I didn't want to hear. "He won't free our friends. We'll hold onto her until she's valuable for us." Lloyd said. "My generals have been here before. It's only a matter of time until they find me." My mother said. "I hate to admit it, but she's right. I hope whatever card you have up your sleeve is an ace, because right now, we're about to fold." Dareth said to Lloyd. "We found something. In her belongings." Skylor suddenly said, opening the warehouse door with Mystake. "I think you need to see this." Mystake said. My mother started to rock in her chair. "Go, we'll have some mother-daughter time." I said. "Are you sure Rumi?" Lloyd asked, placing his hand on my shoulder. I nodded. Everyone left the room and I stared at my mother with pure anger in my body. But I knew I couldn't say anything, because I can't risk her getting somehow out of this. "So how are you and lover boy doing?" My mother asked, but I remained silent. "Oh come on honey you said we'd spend some quality time so come on! Spill me the secrets!" My mother whined, but I remained silent. She was getting on my nerves, badly. Then the door opened and Lloyd threw something in front of my mom. It was her oni mask.

"My mask! You're going to steal it?" My mother said. I stepped back, as Lloyd clearly wanted to talk to my mother. "Save the performance! I'm not going to use it. It's a trap!" Lloyd said and turned around to look at us. "The only reason someone as smart as her was captured, is because she wanted to be." Lloyd explained. "Ooh, very perceptive Lloyd. Maybe you are good enough for my daughter. If I can't trick you, perhaps I can deliver a message. Emperor Garmadon will destroy you, and you can do nothing to stop it, because you can never change!" My mother started yelling. She makes me so mad. Mystake clearly noticed that, because she grabbed my forearm. "As much as you want to, you don't have it in you to hurt your dear poppy." My mother taunted. That's it. "You don't know him!" I yelled at my mother. "Don't I? Let me ask. How do you see this ending?" she asked, but Lloyd remained silent. "You can't! Because there is no happy ending! Once green, always green." She said. The fuck does that mean. Lloyd was clearly upset and went silent. He said he needed some time alone, so we gave him some.

After about two hours, we decided to go talk to him. He was on the roof of the warehouse, so that's where we went. He was wearing a green suit again. "Lloyd, you're wearing green again." I said out loud. "Mana gave me a lot to think about. About how this will end." Lloyd said. "And?" Skylor asked. "Harumi said I was unable to change, but you said to defeat my father, I would have to change. Well, I'm ready." Lloyd said. "Ready for what?" Dareth asked. "I have to be ready to accept... I may never get my power back." Lloyd said. "Lloyd-" I started. "It's okay, I'm not afraid. Power is never lost. It's given away when you don't think you have any. You also said that." Lloyd said pointing to Mystake. Mystake giggled. "Wise words. I should talk more often. " She said. Lloyd turned around to look at the destroyed city. I walked up to him and placed my hand on his shoulder. "Lloyd, if you go after your father... We've seen what that thing can do. We barely survived it the last time." I said to him. "We don't need to cower from it, when we can control it." Lloyd said. What? How is he planning to do that? "But it's controlled by your father's power." Dareth said. "A power that I can absorb!" Skylor exclaimed. "But I can only borrow Garmadon's power if I touch him. How am I supposed to get close enough without him knowing our plan?" Skylor asked. "You'll be a prisoner and 'Mana' will take you to him." Lloyd answered, pointing to Mystake. "If Mystake can turn into a rat, can she turn into a mole?" Lloyd asked "Who needs an army, when all you need is an army of one?" Nya said. I really hope this works. We need a win.

"Mana, I would like to introduce you to... Mana." Lloyd said dramatically pausing and then revealing Mystake as my mother. It was a weird experience for me. "You think you can pass as me?" My mother chuckled. "You think you can pass as me?" Mystake tried to imitate her voice. "Ahh, I think your voice may give you away." I said, kind of amused. Mystake coughed heavily. "Maybe it'll sound more convincing..." She started with her normal voice. "If I talk like this." She continued, sounding exactly like my mother. That is very disturbing. "Hey! That's pretty good!" Dareth said happily. "You'll never get away with it!" My mother yelled. Nya ran to my mom and placed a rag over her mouth and turned her around, to look at the wall. "How about you be quiet, Quiet One." Nya said to her. "You just need to get Skylor to touch my father. Once she can absorb his powers to control the Colossus, get out of there." Lloyd said reassuringly. "You sure you're okay staying back?" Skylor asked as Mystake tied her hands with a rope. "I'm only going to be okay when all this is over." Lloyd answered. "For the first time, I feel like this could really work." Dareth said as we watched Skylor and Mystake leave. "Me too, but don't jinx it." Lloyd said.

We watched my mom in turns. Right now it was my turn. Dareth was sleeping with his headphones on. I do not know where he got them. Lloyd and Nya were on the roof observing the situation. Suddenly my mom spat the rag off her face. "Rumi, honey, I know you're there." She suddenly said. "Shut up." I simply ordered her. She started to hop on her chair, to flip it. "Hey! What do you think you're doing!" I said as I approached her. "I saw your Romeo kiss Nya." She suddenly said.

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