The prince looked at her and keep looking at her. He recognized her at the moment he saw her. He was observing her hiding behind a tree.

She looked like a nymph while plucking flowers in the garden. Her long black hair looked exactly like dark clouds of the rainy season.

He fell in love with her anew when he saw the way she brushed her hair behind her ears with her fingers.

She looked more beautiful than he thought all this years. Her eyes held the same innocence that he had seen on there first meeting.

In short, she was so beautiful that anyone would fall in love with her.

But it was not that he fall in love with her only because of her beauty.
She was as beautiful on the inside as on the outside.

While he was watching her from hiding, he noticed that a branch of the tree from which she was she was plucking flowers was very high. No matter how hard she tried, she could not reach the branch.

The only thing that hasn't changed over the years is her height. He smiled to himself. He slowly walked up behind her and stood up.

She was so busy in picking the flowers that she didn't even notice that he had stopped behind her.

“Do you need help? ”
He asked in very low voice, bending slightly close to the ear.

She flinched at his voice. She felt that voice familiar as if she had heard it a long time ago. His voice was soft but sweet.

When she turned around, she saw a handsome man standing behind her. His clothes were like those of a royal family but they were not like a prince at all.

“Don't you know that it is a crime to pluck the flowers of this tree?”
He somehow restrained himself from laughing when he saw the look on her face as he asked her very seriously.

She worriedly asked him reason.

“because this tree is very dear to the prince here. He does not like anyone touching this tree.”

“so what do I do now? ” her face was covered with tears from fear. He was sad to see tears in her eyes.

I will help you on one condition. If you help me show this kingdom for a week, I will not tell him anything.”

She was thinking of his condition. She didn't say anything for a long time. On one hand she didn't want to go with a stranger and on the other hand she didn't want to be punished. After thinking a lot, she finally said yes.

well, meet me at this place tomorrow morning. I will wait for you.” as he started to turn back, she asked, “wait, what is your name? And who are you? ”

He paused and said “you will soon know who am I.”

His face was filled with satisfaction as he walked away. He would never forget this day because he had fall in love with her once again. The day he had eagerly waiting for so many years had come.

He promised himself that no matter what happened this time, he will not let her go away from him. She was joy of his life. If he loses her this time, he will not survive.

He couldn't sleep thinking about her. Whenever he closed his eyes, her innocent face come before his eyes.

Thus he continued to meet her everyday as a friend of princes. Every moment he spent with her and he cherished those beautiful memories in a cup of his heart.

He listened attentively to everything she said. Her talk, her smile, her loving behavior in short, everything about her drew him to her. He wanted to bring all the happiness of the world at her feet.

If you ask about her now, she was no different. She also wanted to be with him. When she was with him she always felt like she had met him before but she didn't know where.
His touch was familiar and longing to her. She felt familiar even though he was a stranger but she was falling in love with him without knowing.

As today was last day of their meeting, she went to their usual place a little earlier today and sat waiting for him. She was going to tell him everything on her mind today.

Seeing him coming to her from distance, she went to the other side of the tree and hid to surprise him. He always come alone to meet her, but today she was thinking that he is not alone. There was a person with him.

The person was older than him. From the person's clothes, the person looked like a general. He didn't know that she is behind the tree. As she was near, she overheard there conversation and what she heard broke her heart.


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