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Zeldris POV.
My eyes slowly open as I sat up, I didn't know where I am or where I'm from, who am I?, All I could remember was that I woke up."you're awake."a bold voice said and a guy walked into the room, he had short sliver hair and with a dark mark on top of his eyes,he sat close to me and caress my hair"your name is Zeldris and I'm your lover"he said which made me shock "I'm estarossa"he added and lean towards my face for a kiss but I quickly look away,"I know you're nervous, don't worry we've alot of time"he said with a smirk on his lips and immediately grab my hair and sank his teeth right on my neck"Ahh!"I loudly moan at the sharp pain I was feeling, he then let me go leaving a big hickey on my neck, he smiled before leaving. I quickly stood up and ran to the door but it was locked."something is not right?"I murmur to myself and walked to the window which wasn't that high, I jumped off the window and begin to walk into the woods, I had no idea where I was going,I suddenly felt a sharp pain on my chest and I quickly looked down on my chest to see a dark cracks on my heart, "where do you think you're going?"a bold voice said grabbing my hand and I turned around to see estarossa"let go of me"I shouted and he Begin to drag me back to the mansion"I said let go of me!!!"I angrily yelled holding my chest and a sudden light escaped from my fingers blasting him off, I fell down as I begin to paint. My heart was hurting so much,I couldn't process what just happened but I have a bad feeling that he was lying to me. he spat blood and two strange guys appreared"gloxinia,drole get him"estarossa commanded and they all launched towards me, I closed my eyes with my hand on my chest. I immediately heard a loud sound which vibrates through the earth, I slowly opened my eyes to see a blonde haired guy with onyx dark eyes and onyx dark mark on his forehead which had spread over half of his body. He lean toward me and my face immediately heat up then I noticed estarossa and the others were badly injured and couldn't move"I'm sorry"the blonde haired guy said and I stood up confused, he pulled me in his arms"I'm so sorry zel"he added and each and every figment of memories begin to flash back to me and tears rolled down my eyes. "Let's go home"meliodas said holding my hand and the clouds immediately turned dark, I sudden got pulled away from him and everything went dark.
I slowly open my eyes and noticed that I was in a huge cage hanging on a withered tree in front of an ancient temple, meliodas screams echoes through the forest and I saw a girl shoving a knife right on meliodas chest"Stop it!!"I yelled and the moment she looked at me, my eyes widen. she was the first Zeldris"is this love?"she said with a smirk on her face then grab meliodas through his hair"if you love him,go to him, I'll make you feel the pain that I felt five hundred years ago"she added and the ground turned into lava with sharp roots surrounding the cage, meliodas slowly begin to approach and every step he took cut and burns through his foot. Tears rolled down my cheeks knowing he was still willing to save me even after all this pain, meliodas had a weak smile on his face and he stretch his hand toward me, I tried to take his hand and our hands were inches apart when a sharp sword penetrate through his chest, blood splash on my face and he fell down,i held my chest. I gathered each and every bit of power inside me and I begin to glow, the cage immediately shattered into pieces then I launched towards her before embracing her, because that day she didn't lose only her family but her world.
She immediately burst into tears,tears that she had held back for five hundred years,tears of being betrayed by the person she loved most. She pressed her again mine and extract a little bit of energy which transform her hair to gray"you're indeed special zeldris Liones, you know exactly what I need all this time, no wonder meliodas fell in love with you out of all the other zeldris. take care of him"she said and slowly faded away, the sky brighten up again and I ran to meliodas who had passed out on the ground, I healed his injuries and he slowly opened his eyes"zel"he murmur and I immediately pulled him into a kiss.

The curse was finally broken, but is this the start of a new beginning or are we going to face more danger in the future?

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