Chapter 3 - A Horrid Fate

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Mario looked around him as the Yoshi slowly plodded along the track. This wasn't right, according to the map he was holding there was no forest here, yet he seemed to be surrounded by thick wooden statues, every shade of green imaginable seen above in the thick and thin waxy leaves overhanging the path - allowing minimal light to seep through. 

He looked back down at the map, and back up at the mass of trees in front of him, confused, but eventually coming to the conclusion it was an outdated map anyways. 

"Carry on as usual Yoshi!" Mario eventually let out, the green dinosaur just as confused its rider, but continue to do as it was asked without a question. As they got back up to comfortable speed, Mario crumpled up the map and tossed it over his shoulder and made sure to note down in his journal that he needed a new one, what use was a map anyways that wasn't up to date with the current state of things? And besides, he could navigate his way back home - he was positive about it.

It didn't take long for the two of them to reach their next dilemma - the path ahead of them split into two, they were at crossroads. 

On one side, there was light, the tree's healthy and pure, bearing bright lime green leaves and some even the fruits of their laborious growth - ripe red apples, juicy berries brimming with sugar almost begging to be turned into jam, and sweet smelling flowers where future fruits would appear. It appeared to be the best option Mario could take, yet for some reason he was drawn to the other side, the complete opposite to this ideal heaven, withering off-coloured trees, their branches contorting in mysterious ways, and bearing leaves as black as the river styx, bunched together in thick clumps, leaving only a few stray straggling strands of light from above. 

It was heaven and hell, and the Yoshi knew what its preferences were, but as it went to steer Mario one way he stopped it, turning it around to face the other. 

"Let's a go this way Yoshi! I wonder what could be in there, or what's on the other side.."

The Yoshi trembled, but faced with a task from the red brother, he grudgingly began to tread the path of death, despair, and all things evil.


It had been upwards of 30 long minutes travelling, and there still showed no sign of the path ending, and Mario showed no sign of stopping. Until he reached another two pathways. 

"Hm, maybe it's a time we give up on this path.." Mario let out with a sigh, for he didn't want to stop continuing the journey, but he could feel the Yoshi trembling more and more with every step. Maybe it was for the best he stopped here, but just in case he was about to miss out on something big and exciting he hopped off the Yoshi and begun to survey the area. 

It was at this point that the Yoshi noticed something it hadn't seen before. As Mario was walking back and forwards, bush to bush the dinosaur saw somebody - or rather something - edging slowly out of the last bush Mario had just checked. First it was an arm, then legs, and then the head slowly came out from within - it was like a Koopa, or so Yoshi had thought it was, though on closer inspection of the creature the green dino observed this was one unlike any Koopa Yoshi had ever seen before. A green face with its beady black eyes and fiery red eyebrows, pointed downwards in a v shape, and a tuft of the same colour hair coming out from the top of its head. It wore an off white bandana of some sorts around its neck, with a messily drawn snarling mouth in the middle, and it's yellow arms, sharp claws protruding from each hand attached, were holding each side of an opaque black bag, open in the direction of Mario - of whom the creature seemed extremely interested by. 

The Yoshi thought for just a moment, the description ringing a bell somewhere, for it could have sworn it had seen a creature like this before, and that look in it's eyes, and it's evil grin.. but no, it couldn't be.. Mario had defeated him 3 years prior to this.. but yet, the Yoshi couldn't help but trembling at the very thought - this creature, now slowly creeping up behind the unsuspecting Mario, reminded the dinosaur of Bowser, the great Koopa king, of one whose power was feared worldwide. 

As the Yoshi connected the dots, the next actions played out before it in slow motion, as it realised the danger its friend was in. But it was too late, the creature had already reached Mario, and before the Yoshi could have so much as warned the red clad brother, Mario had been captured inside the bag, and was squirming about, trying to escape from the endless black void within it's fabric clutches. Not knowing what to do to help his dear friend, the Yoshi rushed back along the path before the vaguely familiar figure turned and saw it, as quickly as its little legs could carry him, panic stricken. 

The green Yoshi rushed back home, with one goal in mind: to find Luigi. He would know what to do, right?


Writers note: 

Hey guys, sorry this chapter took so long to publish compared to the last one, I decided I wanted to take a short break from writing. 

Also all chapters from now until the future will contain roughly around 1000 words, unless I feel it needs to be longer to make sense for certain scenes!

Thanks for reading! I plan on potentially publishing 2 new updates after this one this week, but we'll see where we're at lol. 

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: May 01, 2023 ⏰

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