Chapter 10: Words are poison

Start from the beginning

Pansy's question captures my attention, and it lands straight into my heart.

She continues talking without giving me the chance to say a word.

'I don't need your pity, okay? It disgusts me how kind and merciful you can be. I hate it.'

She pauses after every single word. She wants to make sure that I soak up everything she just said and that it will not be forgotten.

I won't show my weakness in front of her. I'm not humiliating myself more.

'Fine', I say coldly and stand up. 'I didn't come to disturb you. However, I am glad I finally know how you actually feel about me.'

I don't lose more time and start walking to the exit, but her voice follows me from behind.

'Don't blame it on me! It's all your fault! You're a bloody traitor! You know that, Nessa Black. You know that!'

I continue walking, still not allowing the tears to come out. Several of the students have awakened from the sudden noise. I try to pass them by as quickly as possible.

Madam Pomfrey appears in front of me exactly when I am about to exit the Hospital Wing.

'What in Merlin's beard is happening over there? Is that Ms. Parkinson?'

'Yes, I think she needs a calming tea or something. She resembles a cat on a hot tin roof', I say as I find my way out of the room.

I am finally in the corridor. The tense atmosphere is nowhere to be found, but my heart is still crazily racing, and my thoughts are all over the place.


Draco Malfoy

Attending classes is completely useless as I might be out of Hogwarts next year. But still, I have to be consistent with my attendance to not raise any doubts. However, some days not everything goes according to plan.

I skipped Monday morning classes because I had to try something in the Room of Requirement. I've been thinking about it the whole night, so the first thing I did after I woke up was climb to the seventh floor.

I am sitting in the Slytherin common room now. I left the dorm as soon as I saw Zabini moaning and sniffing.

'Mate, you look sick, literally', I told him and kept my distance as the last thing I needed now was to catch a cold.

'Yeah, right', Blaise started laughing but the laughter turned into a cough.

'Do you want me to take you to the Hospital Wing?', I offered.

'Nah', he shook his head.

Another coughing episode.

'I have some vials from my mother', he stated.

The entrance of the common room suddenly opens.

I slightly rise from my seat. Nessa is walking fast toward the girl's dorms, her head is lowered, her eyes are fixed on the ground. I wonder if she even noticed my presence. I lose no time in analyzing her facial expression as I quickly stand up and follow her.

I reach her in the middle of the corridor.

I grab her wrist and turn her around. The panic in her eyes disappears as soon as she finds out it's me who's standing in front of her.

'What's wrong?', I simply ask.

She clenches her jaw.

'Nothing', she lies.

I chuckle.

'Didn't I tell you to not play tricks on me?', I remind her. 'You're too obvious when you lie. It's all over your face.'

Her brows furrow and she tries to escape the grip on her wrist.

'Just fuck off, okay?', she cries out.

You want the exact opposite, right?

'Say it again', I command.

'Fuck. Off. Malfoy', she repeats avoiding any eye contact.

A deep sigh leaves my chest and I let go of her wrist.

'Okay, go', I say but she doesn't move.

Then all of a sudden she bursts into tears, and all I can do is return the favor. I hold her in my embrace as she did at the Astronomy Tower. It's pretty addicting, hugging. Or just hugging her. I can't be 100% sure, though. I haven't hugged many people in my life. Was it just my mother?

I pat Nessa's back as her tears dampen the cloth of my black turtleneck shirt.

And I'm doing it again. Making excuses for her. As I am well aware of the fact that if it was someone else staining my shirt I would kick their arse.

But it's her. Merlin's beard, I literally can't stand myself these days. I am so not myself, but it's somehow fine. It's a great distraction from the nerve-racking task I am bound to perform.

'You shouldn't skip classes.'

She's not even finished with her sobbing but is already making remarks about my class attendance. I can't help but chuckle.

'If you say so, mom.'

She unexpectedly punches me in the chest and pulls away from the hug.

'Ouch', I cry out.

'Man up, Malfoy', she sticks her tongue out.

'Put that tongue back, Black, or I will have to bite it off.'

'Ew', she frowns.

The next thing I see is her back, she is already approaching her room.

'Are you going to the Halloween party this Friday?', she asks before disappearing behind the door.

'I will', I answer.

To be honest, I hadn't thought about it until now. I suppose a bit of fun won't hurt, right?

That's for Chapter 10, babies <3 Thank you for giving this story a chance! I hope you're enjoying your time here.

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