Chapter 9: Twin Flame

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Nessa Black

I slept in and skipped Potions. Just brilliant! Another chance for Potter to get ahead of me even more. I am so furious at myself that I want to break something or go out to the field near the Black Lake and scream at the top of my lungs. However, there's no time for such things right now as long as I want to be on time at least for my second class of the day. Divination, to be precise.

I am racing up the stairs of the North Tower and I happen to arrive just on time. Mrs. Trelawney has just occupied her seat in the front.

'Oh, come in, come in, Ms. Black', she greets me with a wide smile and I hurry up sitting at the table that I typically share with Pansy.

That's when I realize that she was not the only one missing. I quickly look around the classroom. He is nowhere to be found. I wonder if he also skipped Potions or is probably running late.

'So', Professor Trelawney claps her hands and starts moving in between the tables in the room.

'Last time I promised you to continue with the tarot readings, but I changed my mind. Last night I was communicating with my crystal ball and...', she pauses and smiles to herself.

'It told me that it would be of better use to you if I give you another lesson today', she finishes and returns to the front of the class.

'Could anyone guess what is today's topic?', Professor Trelawney asks. 'Let's see, who has his Inner Eye in tune today!'

Her eyes look around the classroom with excitement. I lower my head as I really don't want to be the one under interrogation today. All I wish for is some peace.

Trelawney's high-pitched voice makes me bounce on my chair.

'Lavender, yes, my dear! Speak!'

'Crystals, professor', am I pretty irritable today, or is Lavender's voice just too annoying?

I glance up for a second and spot the disappointment on Trelawney's face.

'Not this time, but perhaps during our next lesson, yes. So you almost guessed!'

Trelawney's laugh is awkward and short-lived.

'Anyone else?', she asks, and the silence in the classroom speaks for itself.

'Okay, I'll tell you', Trelawney finally surrenders and slouches into her enormous velvet armchair.

Her eyes meet mine for a second and I get an odd burning feeling at the back side of my eyeballs. Thank Merlin that she looks away soon enough before I storm out of the classroom.

'Today, my dear students, we're going to talk about two very fascinating concepts in the divination realm: soulmates and twin flames', she solemnly declares and pauses for a while, perhaps waiting for our reaction.

'Do you think that Ron could be my soulmate?', I hear Lavender's voice behind me.

She giggles together with her Gryffindor friend Parvati Patil.

'It could be. You should ask Professor Trelawney', she answers and they both start giggling again.

It comes unexpectedly. The rage inside me. It grows fast as fire and infects my whole self.

'Could you two shut up for once?', I turn around only to see their panicked faces.

I suddenly figure out what I just have done and quickly turn toward Professor Trelawney and lower my head in shame.

'I beg your pardon, Professor. I had a sleepless night and I am pretty moody.'

She gets close to my table and pats me gently on the shoulder.

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