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I laid in bed, post shower and just thinking on how I had just let down my guard around Max.

For some reason, Max didn't seem too ruffled about it. If I may say, he seemed to welcome it. That was odd. I was so consumed in my thoughts that my phone ringing took me by surprise. It was Max video calling me.

"Hey, what's up?"

"Not sleeping? "

"Couldn't sleep. Just in bed. Thinking."

"About? Me? Aww"

"Idiot! What are you doing?"

"Wanted to check up on you."

Just like that, we drifted into an easy conversation, chatting about our day, our schedule, making plans for dinner and outings etc. I was exhausted and ended up sleeping midway through our conversation without even realiziing it. I woke up around 5am as usual only to find the phone still on a video call but Max was fast asleep on the other end.

I just watched him through the screen wondering why he didn't hang up. Just then he woke up, by his alarm and looked at the phone screen.

"You are awake..."

"Sorry for sleeping on you. Why didn't you just hang up?"

"It's ok. It was nice to see you sleep. Had a good rest?"

I nodded and we chatted a while more before getting ready for work. As I hung up, I sat up and just kept smiling to myself the entire time.

Is this what was it was to fall asleep on a loved one and wake up to them? Even if Max wasn't mine, it was just cute to enjoy such moments coincidentally.

I got ready for work and went down for meetings. Thankfully I didn't have much scenes today so I didn't go to set but waited for Max to be done. He came out around 6pm and I saw him. Boy was wearing a shirt with 2 buttons not done and he was exposing his chest quite a bit. I narrowed my eyes at him as he walked upto me, grinning away. However, upon seeing my glare, he sheepishly smiled and instantly buttoned up.

I finally shot him a smile and then we did dinner together with him and Nunew and Nat. With those two, fans often always checked us out which meant we sat with our respective partners.

Both Nunew and Nat were younger than us so we inevitably looked after them but it was really more of a Phi Nong relationship though everyone else thought otherwise. I would very much want to look after Max but I knew I couldn't do that without attracting too much attention.

During dinner, I was busy with Nunew, chatting and also helping him with the fish. He didn't really liked eating it and the only time he would have it, if it was deboned for him. I patiently took some fish, deboned it and placed it on a plate for him. I heard a few cries of "Omg soooooo cute" and turned to see fans who were excited to see us in public. To give them credit, they didn't come bother us but I know they were very taken by everything. We just waiied to them politely and went back to our meal.

I continued taking food for Nunew, peeling prawns and fish etc. The fans ate it up. They absolutely loved the care. To me I was merely looking after my Nong. But to them, it was P Hia looking after his lover.

I did look up to check if Max was eating but I was surprised to see that he was done.

"You are done already?"

"Not hungry."

I didn't say anything then but we continued our meal. Once we were done, Nat and Nunew went off together as they were staying over at P Mix's house for a sleepover. We waved goodbye to both boys and I offered to send Max home. We got into the car but I realized Max was very quiet.

"Is everything ok?"

"Yes it is."

"You barely ate. And now you have hardly spoken a word."

"I... nothing. Just some stuff on my mind."

"Want to talk about it?"

"It's.. its fine.."

"You sure?"

I saw Max look at me but he diverted his gaze at the last minute and just nodded. Just as we reached his house, Nunew called me informing me he was at P Mix'z house already. I told him to have fun and stay safe. Max just listened to our conversation quietly and when I hung up, I finally found out why he had been quiet all evening.

"You and Nunew.. is it just reel? Like fan service?"

"I don't understand what you are asking.."

"We are best friends. I hope you can tell me if you are dating someone."

"Whom do you think I'm dating??"


Max fell silent after that but I was just so shocked that I didn't know how to respond.

Where was Max getting his ideas from?!?!

ฉันรักคุณ [I ❤️ You] [Sequel] [Completed]Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt