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I knew Zee ended around 10pm. So I went to run some errands and went back to pick him up post work.

I waited against my car as Zee came out, holding his right wrist gently. My eyes narrowed as I watched him, realizing something had happened!

"What happened?! Why are you holding your wrist?"

"Max.... what..wait. How come you..shit.why are you here?"

"You aren't answering my question Zee. What happened?"

Zee sighed as he filled me in that he had gotten into a little accident onset just as he was about to end. His wrist was aching but he held it through and still attended that meeting with P Aof. I was so pissed. I could see his wrist was red and swelling. I drove him straight to the 24 hours clinic and we got it checked. Zee didn't even dare open his mouth at all because he knew I was pissed.

He's known me long enough to know when I'm pissed and trust me when I say, I was pissed as hell now. It was a quiet journey to the clinic and when the doctor was dressing his wound up, he just looked at Zee and told him.

"Look after yourself properly Sir. Wrists are very delicate and it looks like you have had multiple injuries to this particular one based on the x Ray I took earlier."

The doctor then looked at me and told me to look after my boyfriend properly. I just nodded and apologised for being careless. Zee just watched me quietly but he knew I was angry as hell. I sent him home post the clinic visit and once we got to his door, I told him to rest whilst I prepped to go off.

'Max.. look I'm sorry. It was an accident."

"Zee. I know it was. I'm not upset about that. Sometimes it's unforeseen. Unavoidable. I just get angry knowing that you know you need to be looked after and you refuse to do it or tell someone else so they can do it. But you don't do either. Can't you have at least told Nunew?!"

"There is no reason for me to tell him... I.. I'm sorry ok?"

"You don tell him. You don't tell me. You don't look after yourself. You make me worry about you Zee. Why do you enjoy doing that to me?"

"Max.. no its not.."

I just sighed and wanted to walk away, cutting him off but Zee held onto my hand and pulled me towards him gently. He leaned his head on my shoulder. I sighed. He just took his hand and wrapped one arm around me and murmured sorry again. I watched that arm of his around me. He had never done it before. He has hugged me before. But this, this was a wee more intimate and he had never done it before.

And I wanted this moment to last. I wanted to hold onto it a little longer if I could. I reached out to hold onto his hand. I gripped it softly and I am not sure if that was his wake up call. He then pulled away and I turned to see that blush streaking his face.

Why did he look that cute?! Does he not realize how cute he looks and how my heart flutters like crazy when I see him like this? I sighed softly as I ruffled his hair.

"Don't make me worry please. I'm here for you. You know that. So never forget that."

Zee nodded. I told him to rest and that I make a move. I told him to inform P Aof too and I said I will kill him if I saw him on set tomorrow. Zee chuckled softly and nodded in agreement, knowing I would very well do that.

As I went off to my car, I turned around to see Zee and he stood there, waving goodbye at me.

AH, damn my heart. Stop fluttering already!

ฉันรักคุณ [I ❤️ You] [Sequel] [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now