Chapter 5

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The supernatural issues of finding out who someone is. The issue of why Lydia didn't turn into a werewolf was something that kept everyone thinking and was always on many of their minds. Stiles and Lydia were at the high school, trying to figure out how everything was possible. Both were still confused on how everything was, yet, things never seemed more clear. After their sudden kiss while Lydia had her panic attack, it seemed like a mutual feeling was being shared. Something that Stiles wanted to feel for years since his crush on Lydia had started when he was in third grade. But, he also knew that her life wasn't suddenly as perfect as he always thought it was. Lydia martin was indeed now, not a human being anymore. Lydia had gotten bitten by Peter Hale, a werewolf alpha, and regardless of what happens to her, it will not be normal. It will indeed be supernatural. Like Scott and Derek are.

"How do you think will you guys be able to help me?" Lydia had asked Stiles as they were roaming the school grounds.

"I have no idea how we are going to help you, Lydia. Honestly, I have been trying to think of an explanation to why everything is happening because none of it is normal. You being human, not normal. You not turning into a werewolf, completely not normal. But I don't know how it isn't normal. I don't," Stiles said as they saw how Scott and Allison came across their ways.

"Lydia Martin isn't normal in general. Does this surprise you?" Scott asked as Lydia could see that Stiles' anger was flaring up.

Lydia suddenly heard something. it was like a small voice telling her something bad was about to happen. Someone was going to get hurt. Lydia had grabbed Stiles, pulling him away from Scott, as she cupped his afce.

"Don't. Don't lose your temper. You could get hurt. Just leave it, please."

Lydia nearly pleaded at Stiles to leave Scott alone. In a way, it seemed like she knew what could happen to him. And she was completely aware of everything consequence. Stiles looked confused at Scott and then again at Lydia. He did not understand anything that was happening right now, and he didn't know how Lydia could tell that something was wrong or was about to happen.

"Okay, I won't do anything, but why do you think something was going to happen?" Stiles asked.

"I could hear it. Stiles, something supernatural has already happened to me. I could tell that this would end badly if I didn't stop you," Lydia said as Stiles looked at her.

"Okay, home we go. We have something to study on that isn't school."

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