Winter: Jeez. What's with this chick?

Weiss:*holding a case* Uuhhh...

Bleiss: Gimme that!

She snatches the case from Weiss and opens it to reveal its twinkling-sounding contents.

Bleiss: This is Dust - mined and purified from a Schnee quarry! Got it!

Ruby & Weiss: Uhh...yeah?

Adam: Alright, this girl annoys me.

Winter & Ilia: Same.

Bleiss: What are you, a brain-dead dumbass!?

Roman, Winter, Neo, Ilia and Adam glares at her.

As she's holding out a vial of red Dust and shutting the case.

Bleiss: Freaking, Dust! Fire, water, earth, lightning, wind, energy!

Ruby: Yes... we know...

The two starts coughing from the Dust pouring into their face as Y/n noticed this as a bad sign.

Bleiss: Are you two even listening to me at all!? Is any of this sinking into your brains!?

Before the two, who had been receiving more and more Dust to their face, sneezes.

Y/n put a tissue in front of their noses as they sneezed in it. And Y/n blew the red Dust cloud away.

This however made a large gust of wind blowed on Bleiss who's skirt was up. The bottle she had been holding flies over the courtyard and at the feet of Blake Belladonna, who picks it up and notices the Schnee Dust Company logo on the side as she reads from a book and looks over at the scene.

Meanwhile Bleiss pushes her dress back down and red face mad.

Bleiss: Un-freakin-'believable! This is exactly the kind of-!

Y/n:*concerned for her well-being* Are you alright ma'am?

Bleiss stops and gets a good look at Y/n.

Bleiss stops and gets a good look at Y/n

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Y/n:*still concerned* Ma'am?

Then she bit her bottom lip as she kept staring. This caught they attention from Roman, Winter and Adam as all three thought of one thing.

Roman, Winter & Adam: 'This chick will impure him!'

Bleiss: So. What's your name big man~.

Y/n: Y/n Xiao-Long Rose.

Bleiss: Y/n, huh~.*traces a finger on his chest* Aren't you a little too handsome to be attending Beacon~?

Y/n: I'm too handsome?

Winter:*slapping Bleiss' hand away* Oui! Hands off our brother!

Bleiss: Brother?*to Y/n* They're your siblings?

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