Spy for a spy

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Alright move them out! Eyesore yelled as the noodle trucks moved out of the ships docking bay

Well that was a journey Vania said 

Your telling me, but we arent out of the woods yet Morro said

Well, because were just heading into them now Vania said

No not like that, i mean we still need to get the ninjas attention but without drawing attention to ourselves Morro said

I might have you covered Dareth said

Dareth?! When the heck did you get here?! Morro yelled in shock

Relax kid, i was told to come help you, i besides pixal was the one who made me drive it here in the first place Dareth said combing his hair

Well that explains how the truck got here, but the main question how did you even get aboard in the first place, and where were you hiding? Morro asked

Well one, i drove up as pixal showed me how to camouflage this hunk and two i never hid, you jumped on me and knocked me out Dareth said

Well that explains why we didnt get hurt Vania said

You remembered you were knocked out? Morro asked

I am quite surprising if i say so myself Dareth said

Oh boy, this is gonna be awhile Morro sighed 

Back at the temple

Gross Jay said as he picked up a roasted snake

What is this? Shade asked

This is my reward for having to put up with your nonsense for the past week Chen said

So why are we here? Mr pale asked

Because we have a problem, there is a spy among us Chen said

Everyones eyes widen

A spy? Lloyd asked

Chen chuckled

Lloyd whispered to Nya

I feel like this is a trick Lloyd whispered

Your telling me Nya said

Back at the DBX 

We need a way inside of that temple Morro said as he paced around

I could disguise one of you Dareth said

Dareth that is stupid Morro said

But i have study there outfits, i think i may be able to help you get in Dareth said with a smirk

What do you mean? Morro asked

Lets just say, i have some photographic memory Dareth said

He grabbed morro and painted a anacondria tattoo on his head

Dareth let go! Morro tugged

Calm down its done Dareth said as he showed morro

Wow, it looks exactly like them Morro said 

Your welcome Dareth said

But we need a disguise and judging by my ninja gi, i will give it away Morro said

Ahem Dareth said as he revealed his disguise 

You had this planned out didnt you? Morro asked

You betcha Dareth said as he brought out a clothing wall for him to have some privacy 

Back at the temple

A spy? Kai asked

Who is the spy? Jay asked

(Discontinued) Nya meets Lloyd pt3 tournament of elements (the final part)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu