Nathan runs his hair with his hand and shakes his head. " that means--"
"No." I said immediately. "We're not step siblings." I glance at Arlene, who shifts uncomfortably when I said that.
The bell finally rings and I pull Arlene ahead with me. "Y-you're friends with Nathan?" She asked.
I bite my lip and look at her quickly, "Yeah," I responded back.

We head to our first class where everyone has been scattered around the room. I took Arlene to our teacher who greeted her and asked if she could introduce herself. She kindly refused, which seemed kinda obvious because of how shy she is. The teacher sat her in the front for now since we didn't have any room in the back. Nathan finally walks in and rushes towards the back where his seat is. He leans over towards me,

"How the heck did you not know your dad's best friend was Arlene's dad??"
"I-I don't know! We actually never really hung out when we were younger. He always said he had a child the same age as me but we never got the chance to meet and she never mentioned him before either!"
I groan in frustration as I lay my head on my desk.

This has just gotten way to weird and complicated for me now. Not only that, but there's other people that know her including Rider that she still has to meet. Just thinking about that makes me feel........uneasy.

"How the f*ck did I not know.....gosh I'm an idiot!"
Nathan scratches his head uncomfortably and groans in frustration afterwards. I couldn't help but pat his head and look away. "It's not your fault." I say. He looks at me for a few seconds then puts his head down while closing his eyes. "Okay..."

Taylor excitedly walked towards us with a big smile on her face. "Morning guys! Why so gloomy?"
Nathan looks up at Taylor and furrows his eyebrows. "Look who's back."
Taylor raises her eyebrows and looks around the small classroom. She couldn't spot Arlene at first, but then after looking around the classroom more than twice, she finally found her.
Her mouth drops open in surprise and immediately looks back at us while stuttering.

"It's Ar-Ar-Ar--"
"Arlene." I finished for her. "Yes, and she's Tony's daughter."
Taylor once again opens her mouth in shock and sat down right across from us. "Oh my gosh....."
Taylor looks at me with wide eyes and I bid my head, confirming that it's one hundred percent true.

I couldn't believe it myself either.
But right when I shook her fragile hand, I knew this had to be true. To think......that this small girl would probably be my step sister, kinda seemed frightening.

.....Step sister......

Hearing those two words kinda makes me feel uncomfortable.

Emma was waiting patiently outside with us as the class president, Cassie was passing out papers for the final math scores. Cassie flips her curly hair as she finally approaches us. She stands straighter and tries to make her chest pop out because Nathan was standing right next to her.
It's really obvious that she likes him.

She clear her throat, "I'm assuming you're the captain here?" She hands the paper to Nathan, who smiles sweetly and harshly passes it Emma. "No, it's actually this little one here."
Emma frowns at Nathan and looks back at the paper.
Rider was with the group this time, and he looked pretty tired.

I glance at him, wondering if he knows that Arlene came back. What kind of reaction would he make.......Rider notices me looking at him and does his stupid signature look.
I quickly look away as my face brightens up in embarrassment. This guy.....

Emma gasps and smiles at our group, "We won the math portion!"
Our group starts to cheer quietly as Rider smacks Nathan's back and congratulated him. "Really? That test was really hard....."
Emma high fives Nathan unexpectedly. Seeing Emma finally happy and not throwing a tantrum was actually pretty calming to see.

Cassie clears her throat again and snatches the paper from Emma's hand. "Alright alright, I get it you're happy that you got a 96% on your test. Woo! But you guys should be heading back to class now, we got things to learn ya'know!"
The group starts to separate and head back to their class. Emma cheerfully skips ahead of us to gym as we walk behind her.

"Emma is an unusual creature...." Said Rider
"A bipolar creature." I added sarcastically.
Taylor pulls me behind as Rider and Nathan walk ahead of us.
"What is it?" I asked.
"You know that Arlene has gym with us, right?"

I start to panic when Taylor told me that, and I had a sudden urge to stop Rider from walking inside that gym---but that kinda seemed stupid of me to do. What's wrong with me now?
I try to act like I didn't care, "Oh, ok. Rider finally gets to see her, huh."

Taylor bites her lip when I said that and continued to walk towards the gym. We finally opened the doors and headed inside the big gymnasium. Everyone was scattered everywhere, doing their own gym-related things.
I tried to find Arlene in this crowded place but it was no use. I couldn't find her at all.

Rider starts to casually walk around with Nathan. I was feeling kind of worried, that Rider would find Arlene here. But why the hell would I care anyways?
They both have nothing to do with me anyways, so why care?

I finally see her.

She was sitting on the bleachers alone while playing with her long hair.
And Rider was only a few feet away from her. My heart started to race as I see Arlene lift her head and look to her left.
And a big smile forms on her face.
She immediately gets up and Rider notices her.

He stands there, frozen. Nathan stops too, realizing where he lead Rider. Taylor sees what I was seeing and stands right next to me as we see what was going to happen next.
Arlene starts to run towards him, with her arms open. Nathan steps back. Rider is still frozen in one place. I start to bite on my lip.

Arlene wraps her small arms around Rider's neck and keeps on smiling. "Daniel!"
Rider twitches as bit, but then puts his arms around her waist and hugs her back. I wasn't sure if I saw him smiling or not, but he didn't seem too excited. He looked more shocked than happy.
I didn't know what I was feeling myself either......but I know for a fact that something's wrong with me.

Tada! Finished chapter!

Yeah....this chapter was pretty bad •__•. UGH. I just wanted to finish this quickly lol but anyways, please remember to....

•And share to others!

Thanks xoxo

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