Chapter 17

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Wooh! I finally updated! You guys were giving some ideas of what will happen in the next chapter, and they were really smart ideas--some I didn't really think of •_•

I had to literally think through this chapter and BAM, the idea popped in my head. So thank you for reading this and giving me comments!!

Oh and happy Valentine's Day everyone!
#singleforever 😅

Chapter 17-

And on the small kitchen table, lies an iPhone 5s.

I was actually scared to touch it, like maybe something was going to pop out. My mom was working today, so I stayed home and made sure the house was cleaned. As usual, I always went to get the mail, and there was a package with my name on it and a sticky note which said, "Happy Early Birthday Amelia-- C.S"
When I saw the initials, I hurried inside and opened the package. The iPhone was perfectly wrapped with a bow on top. I had the craziest thought, that maybe it was my dad who sent me this phone.

The handwriting was so nice beautiful, the wrapping was terrific, and the only person I know with the initials "C.S" is my dad, Chris Sage. But then again, he is my dad. The guy who still owes debt we pay for him so how on earth would he afford this kind of phone? Just thinking about it makes me laugh.

I look at the iPhone box and breath in and out. My hand reaches the box and open it slowly. I sigh in relief as I see the phone lying right in front of me. The phone already had a case, a blue patterned one, which is my favorite color. I hold the phone in my hand and observe it, seeing if there's anything unusual about it. Nothing is wrong with it.

Holding something expensive like this made me afraid to use it, but I wanted to see what it could do. I pressed the power button for 5 seconds and saw the Apple icon appear. The screen appears and it was a picture of Paris; something I also like. I swipe the screen and the home screen appears with apps. I checked every possible thing that could lead me to who actually sent this to me, and I found nothing.

There's something suspicious about this, and I want to figure it out, but I have plans for today. Today I'm going to check out my new job.
Tony gave me more information about the place I'll be working at. It's a family of four, small house, and good amount of cash. And that satisfies me.

I stuffed the phone in my pocket and started to head out the door. I wasn't quite sure when my mom would come back, but hopefully she would be home before I get back. As I walk across the street, I glanced up at the street name, Tide Ridge. Memories came popping in my head all at once, but I pushed them away. The only memories that hurt me the most were Blake and Sebastian.

I really wanted to stay with him, I want to see his smiling face again like I would always see. Sebastian too, such a nice old man, I miss him so much. What upset me most of all is that I failed to do what Renee told me to do, was to become Rider's friend. It was actually pretty hard, at times Rider was straight up mean and rude, but then there are those rare times when Rider was actually really nice. They must all hate me right now, I thought.

I sigh and kept on walking until I found the street, which was surprisingly right next to Tide Ridge. I make my way down the street and I see no houses there. Trees were everywhere with lots of beautiful flowers. I look up and there's a mansion right in front of me. Small house, huh.

I breathe and out and knocked on the door. For some reason, I felt nervous all over again like it was my first day working at the Mastersons. But it's not, I have to prepare myself for the next family I'm working for.
I start to hear faint footsteps coming my way as the door opens. My eyes widen in surprise.

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