Chapter 19

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Chapter 19-


"Hey there."

I jumped, which makes me almost fall off my seat. It was lunch time and class resumed while the contestants were off writing about the topic for the contest. Nathan decided to sit with Rider today and Taylor was in the writing part of the portion. So basically I was alone, until a beautiful red-head sits next to me with a box of fries in her hands.

Kira looks at me with sad eyes and starts to sniff. "Amelia, I don't know what to do!" She wails. People start to turn around as they heard Kira crying loudly. I pull her and awkwardly hug her tightly, "Kira, can you just--shut up a little, everyone's looking."

She wipes her face with her sleeve and eats her fries again. "Sorry....I just needed to tell someone how I feel." I furrow my eyebrows and rest my arm on the table, "Express your feelings? Don't you have a whole mafia of friends to talk about your 'feelings'?" We both look back at the table where her friends hung out at, which are half of the most popular girls at school.

Kira shakes her head and looks down shamefully at the table. "They're just....'let's hang out' friends. I need a 'I want to cry and show my emotions to you' friend."
"And so you picked me?"
She nods her head.
"When there's like, a room full of students here and you just happen to pick me." She throws her hands up in the air in anger, "I didn't know who to come to okay? You were the first person who came in mind and I just came to cry my feelings out!!"

Kira lays her hands on her face and starts to cry again. So trying to be the nice person I am, I awkwardly touched her back and rubbed it soothingly. "'s okay Kira.....tell me everything." She looks up at me with her mascara everywhere and sniffling.
I try not to laugh as she looks at me with her "raccoon" face.
"Okay...." She started.

"Well first, my parents are getting a divorce." She notices my eyes widen and she looks away. "My dad was cheating on her with one of his co-workers. And my one of my sisters knew about it and they were okay with it because the lady is filthy rich! And my other sister hates it and wants to stay with my mom while the other wants to stay with my dad and there's just me, who can't make a stupid decision!!"

My mouth opens, trying to say something but she continues, "And--and Rider! Ugh! He just angers me! One minute he's all horny and wants to have sex with me, then he's all sad and upset and pushes me away from him. I thought I could tell him about my issues but he told me to go away!!"
"My friends too! I can't believe I lived a life as a b!tch! I'm so cruel, it's all because of my friends, they made me like this in middle school and I liked the feeling of getting attention and authority but now I hate it! Everything!"

She sobs, once again as I sigh loudly. Even a girl like her has problems, and it's not just about how she looks or whatever. I actually feel....bad? Maybe, but she did treat me like crap before, so just to make up for that....I grab Kira's shoulder and she looks up at me and I slap her, right across her face. God, I've been wanting to do that to her for ages but for other reasons.

"Toughen up Kira." I started, "just by looking at you, I know you're not like that! Your strong, confident, and smart! I know you could make great decisions." She almost a says something but I cover her mouth.
"We first have to start on your family, don't you think you're old enough to live on your own? If you can't pick who, then that's your only decision--move out. Now, about Rider. He's a d!ck sometimes, I get it. I don't even know what's up with him either, but you should leave him be for now. If he has problems of his own, don't try to interfere with them."

"And finally, your friends. Hate them, truthfully. They made fun of me back then. If they aren't supportive or kind to you, if they just use you or make fun of you, LEAVE THEM. They're not worth it. I'm positive you'll find a group of people that you'll like. Okay? Now, stop crying like a baby and let me eat my food peacefully."

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