Nick pushes the girls away from the dinosaur, hurrying them to move faster. A second T-Rex comes along, adding terror to the frightened humans.

- o - o - o - o -

"Did you hear that?" Bella asks the Indos. The roar is close, too close for her comfort. "We need to find a button, fast," She couldn't look into each building anymore as time was against her now. The large building catches her attention. If she is going to find anything, it will be there. "Levi, hide. Attack only those with guns that are alone, and if it's the Rexes," She quickly orders him, already going up the leaf-covered stairs, Archer right behind her. His reply is a short chuff before he walks away. His skin smoothly changes from its pale complexion to dark green. This time he does not hide his heavy footsteps, for he wants the large carnivores to become aware of his presence.

She watches as Levi disappears into the tree line before she dashes for the building. The double doors are covered in moss, and the glass is foggy from the grime accumulated over the years. She pushes both doors open so Archer can walk past without breaking them. Inside, the air is stuffy. It is too dark for her to see anything properly, much different than for Archer, who starts sniffing around whilst being able to see everything perfectly and using his echolocation in the enclosed space.

Bella digs her flashlight from her bag and turns it on. Vines cover the walls, coming from the ceiling and going all the way down to the ground and spreading even more. Opposite the front door and behind the abandoned front desk, there is a mural on the wall of the iconic gate entrance to Jurassic Park with dinosaurs crawling around, the iconic yellow, red, and green cars exiting it, and people painted in the background.

The sight of the wall hits Bella differently. Back in Isla Nublar, when she was looking for Levi during his murderous escape, it brought her a sense of nostalgia, leaving her in a dreamy state for a few seconds at the memories she had when she was younger and heard about in the news and from her friends and family. But now, the nostalgia is there, but so is a sense of dread. She is in the past on an abandoned island with all kinds of dinosaurs living there, and she still has little to no clue on what to do to get out aside from fixing the device that has taken her there.

Hot breath hits the back of her neck on purpose from Archer to get her attention. He had finished smelling the main area when he saw her in a daze as she stared at the mural for a few long minutes. She turns around with a sullen face and a bad attempt at a reassuring smile. She has to be strong, not only for her but for her dinosaurs who depended on her.

They are sure to thrive on the island as the formidable predators they are. Not even the existing carnivores can go against them, but she has to take them home. But their home was no longer safe. if INGEN took them once, they would take them again. That can't happen. She needs to think of something. Once they are back, they will be in danger, and that is if they get back.

"Huh?" Loud purrs stop Bella's racing thoughts. The low rumblings calm her beating heart that was just beating too loud. Stress and fear leave her body in waves, and Archer does not like it. So he does the best thing he knows of, nuzzle her neck and purr. And it works. "I'm sorry, my boy," She leans her head over his snout, her hands gently grasping him for assurance. The constant rumbling soothes her immediate worries. "You're such a good boy," The purrs intensify. "Let's-" The purr suddenly changes to a warning growl.

The change in his demeanor changes in a blink of an eye, but he slowly leans away from her so as not to whip his head to the source of his disruption and hit her. Outside, Nick breaks the tree line and into the abandoned courtyard, flashlight in hand. Archer does not waste time and picks Bella up with his long arms and, with silent steps, rushes to a dark corridor before the male enters the building.

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